Category: 40k

Nights At The Game Table Battle Report Army Lists: Necrons vs. Aeldari (ft. The Solitare!)

Two of NATGT’s most popular players are facing off this week, and they couldn’t have brought a scarier set of armies to throw down with! On one side, we have Kevin and his terrifying colort of Aeldari forces, combining the most horrific sides of the Craftworlds and Harlequins that

Nick Nanavati vs Amir Golpoor Custodes vs Knights Live Stream 3/12/19

Hey guys, this Tuesday (Mar 12) at 1pm EST I’ll be live streaming a game with Custodes against Amir from Golden Globe Studios and his Knights! My Custodes list is ne I’ll be playing at the request of one of my Nights PRO clients, so he can see how

What Happens When You Decide to go to a GT last minute

Hey friends, this morning I decided to last second go to a local GT happening by me at Mythicos Studios.  I actually had other plans this weekend that fell through this morning, so with only ~1/2 a day to figure out what I was playing I decided why not

Should I Buy Shadowspear- Nights At The Game Table

The Dak here, and today im going to break down the Shadowspear box set going up for pre-order tomorrow, and whether or not you should buy it. Looks like my dark prophesy came true, and much of what i predicted came has come to pass. You can read that

Top Genestealer Cult Tactics, Cult Of The Four Armed Emporer, Warhammer 40k- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to the Faction Focus for the Cult of The Four Armed Emperor. Today, we’re going to be breaking down everything you could want to know about playing the Cult Of The Four Armed Emperor at a local competition. This article is a supplement to the our Genestealer Cults

Top Genestealer Cult Tactics Warhammer 40k- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Warhammer Armies! Today, we’re going to be breaking down the nefarious Genestealer Cults and all the ways you have to use the Genestealer Cults to sneakily ambush and crush your opposition. We’ll be going over their relics, stratagems, warlord traits, recommended units, and more.  There’s a lot

Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Orks vs GSC Live Stream 3/6 11am EST

Hey friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a proper publicly streamed game for you Nights guys, so I figured I’d treat you guys to a pretty awesome one! I’ll be playing my Ork list from LVO against Jack Harpster and his new GSC. You can catch the game

Nights At The Game Table Battle Report Army Lists: Thousand Sons vs. Space Wolves (ft. The Deredeo Dreadnought!)

It’s a battle of the veterans this week on Nights At The Game Table, with two of NATGT’s most seasoned warriors duking it out over control of the battlefield! John “Chicken Blood” Cook is back again with his venerable Space Wolves Army! Although every unit in this elite fighting

Gaming Etiquette: Lets Talk About "That Guy".

The Dak here, back from eating all the food in the employee fridge to talk about the one thing all 40k players have had some experience with. Yes, I’m talking about “That Guy.” Who is “That Guy,” and what makes him so singularly unpleasant to play against? Keep reading

Episode Preview: Craftworld vs AdMech Batrep

It’s an old favorite vs. a new challenger this week on King Slayer, as Kevin brings his Craftworlds Eldar army to take on the newest member of the Nights team, Dakota and his Adeptus Mechanicus. Dakota’s a stellar player with tons of experience under his bet, but will he