Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Orks vs GSC Live Stream 3/6 11am EST


Hey friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a proper publicly streamed game for you Nights guys, so I figured I’d treat you guys to a pretty awesome one! I’ll be playing my Ork list from LVO against Jack Harpster and his new GSC. You can catch the game on Nights at the Game Table’s facebook page .  This game is free to watch, so come by and check it out. And of course, if you like it, I do weekly streamed games just like it on Nights PRO.
Here are the lists we will be using

Nick Nanavati Jack Harpster
Evil Suns Battalion Mixed GSC Brigade (Deliverance Broodsurge)
Mega Armor Warboss (WL) 120 Magus- familiar 92
Weirdboy 62 Jackal Alphus 70
3 Mega Nobs 105 Iconward 52
28  Boyz- 18 Choppa, 10 shoota big choppa 201 10 Brood brothers 60
28  Boyz- 18 Choppa, 10 shoota big choppa 201 10 Brood brothers 60
28  Boyz- 18 Choppa, 10 shoota big choppa 201 10 Brood brothers 60
10 Brood brothers 60
Evil Suns Battalion 10 Brood brothers 60
Weirdboy 62 10 Brood brothers 60
Weirdboy 62 Nexos 50
10 Sluggas 70 Kelermorph 60
10 Sluggas 70 Sanctus 60
10 Sluggas 70 5 Jackals- demo charges 75
5 Jackals- demo charges 75
Bad Moons Battalion (Dread Waagh Detachment) 4 Jackals 40
Warboss- Bike, Power Klaw, Kustom Shoota 101 3 Mortars 39
Big Mek- Kustom Force Field grot oiler 79 3 Mortars 39
27 Grots 81 3 Mortars 39
27 Grots 81
20 Grots 60 Twisted Helix Battalion (Annointed Throng)
15 Lootas 255 Patriarch 125
7 Lootas 119 Primus 75
10 Brood Brothers 40
14 Brood brother 56
15 Brood brothers 60
8 Aberrants- 7 picks, 1 stop sign 201
10 Aberants- 8 picks, 2 stop signs 252
Kelermorph 60
Clamavus 55
AM Spearhead
Tempestor Prime 45
3 Mortars 33
3 Mortars 33
3 Mortars 33

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