Category: 40k

What We Know About Iron Father Feirros

The Iron Hands Codex Supplement includes rules for their Master of the Forge. Iron Father Feirros. This guy looks to be an absolute beast, and an almost must-include in your Iron Hands list. Let’s take a look…   Feirros’ Stats and Abilities First up we have the Iron Father’s

How To Beat Eldar Flier Spam- by Matt Root

“I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless. It’s frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Flyer Spam arrives all the same. And now, it’s here. Or should I

Kingslayer: Farsight T’au Vs. Warbikers Orks Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

This weeks battlereport has a classic matchup. The close combat powerhouse that is the  Orks, V.S. the  masters of ranged combat and firepower, the T’au. Which will get the upper hand? Will the Tau manage to keep the orks at an arms length and blow them to bits, Or

Sneak Peak Codex Supplement: Raven Guard

Raven Guard are the stealth specialists of the Space Marines. Already sporting a chapter tactic that gives them cover out of cover and a -1 to be hit in cover. This chapter will be hard to pin down. The Codex Supplement for the Raven Guard will work to emphasize

Sneak Peek Codex Supplement: Iron Hands

The Iron Hands are known for their durability, due to replacing their “weak” flesh with bionics. The Codex Supplement for this mechanical chapter looks to emphasize that. Let’s take a look! What’s Inside? First up is the Calculated Fury ability. Which will really emphasize what Iron Hands already are

What We Know About Codex Supplements: Raven Guard and Iron Hands

The second wave of Codex Supplements for the new Codex Space Marines will soon be here. Honored in this wave are the Raven Guard and the Iron Hands. The stealth and bionic forces are about to get a lot of attention, lets take a look   Codex Supplements First

Sneak Peek Psychic Awakening: Howling Banshee Exarch

Psychic Awakening has a lot of secrets that still need to be shared but we’ve got a pretty good one to satiate us for today. It’s a look at the new Howling Banshee Exarch.   First off the model is quite the step up from the old finecast ones.

Nights PRO Live Stream- Space Marines vs Space Marines

Hey guys, on Monday September 9th at 4:30pm EST I’ll be live streaming a game on Nights PRO. I’ll be trying out the new Space Marine army against top 8 finisher at BAO Jack Harpster, who will also be trying his hand on new Marines!  Both of our lists are

Psychic Awakening: Phoenix Rising Teased

Psychic Awakening, the new campaign expansion for Warhammer 40k, has been advertised for its size. But that wasn’t visual until now. Because GW has created a map of the galaxy showing off all the areas that conflict take place. Now of course as of right now only one point

Aeronautica Imperialis: Ork Air WAAAGH VS Imperial Navy

Alex’s List   Alex is playing the Imperial Navy and is running for the most part a standard force. The Imperials rely on medium range to get the most from their lascannons and avenger bolt cannons. But the Marauder Bombers can deal some decent damage at close range with