
Warhammer 40k Winning Lists June 11th Edition
With summer in full swing, we see a refreshing number of tournaments kick back up globally, ranging from 3 to 7 rounds each! With no crystal clear victorious army surfacing from this weekend we do know there are three main contenders for that coveted top slot.Adepta Sororitas, Harlequins, and

Angron Daemon Primarch of Khorne Revealed!
Jay gives you a quick update that our prediction a few weeks ago was spot on and we could not be more excited!! Picutres of Angron This is how you win a FREE Combat Patrol Box! Be sure to check out the description in all of our Youtube videos

Alpine GT 40k Winning Lists
These are your Alpine GT Winning Lists results from afar! This past weekend saw the Alpine GT, a 9 round, 57 participant tournament in Salzburg! Aeldari took it all down with a super fast list consisting of swooping hawks, windriders, and vypers backed by HQ’s on skyrunners! This list

Imperial Knights Codex Changes Sweep Their Enemies
The new Imperial Knights Codex has been updated from Games Workshop today. It brings a decent amount of changes to a few different stratagems and tactics. While nothing SWEEPING, the changes will help the Knights sweep their enemies. UPDATES & ERRATAPage 64 – Household TraditionsReplace each instance of ‘Freeblade’

Chaos Space Marines Tactics – Pro Players Weigh In
The Chaos Space Marines for 9th Edition have finally arrived and it’s time to get down to dissecting the top tactics for Heretic Astartes. This new codex comes jam packed with tons of new rules, new miniatures and new ways to cavort with daemons and reign terror on your

June 2022 Warhammer 40k Dataslate Shakes Up The Meta
The biggest update to Warhammer 40k has arrived, the June 2022 Dataslate has arrived. This update brings a host of changes to armies across the board. Some armies have received massive boosts and others have been balanced down. Let’s take a quick look at some of the biggest changes.

New Field Manual Drops: Here’s the biggest winners and losers of the update
Games Workshop has dropped the latest field manual: Munitorum Field Manual 2022 MK II and there are some definite winners and losers from this update. The nice thing is that all of these updates are now free to everyone and available online for everyone to view (check the link

New Field Manual Drops: Here's the biggest winners and losers of the update
Games Workshop has dropped the latest field manual: Munitorum Field Manual 2022 MK II and there are some definite winners and losers from this update. The nice thing is that all of these updates are now free to everyone and available online for everyone to view (check the link

How To Paint: Object Source Lighting on a Plasma Weapon
How to paint: Object Source Lighting on a Plasma Weapon: In this article you will learn how to paint non metallic metal silver and lighting effects created by Tonedawg_Paints The method used in this article is simple, effective and can be used again and again. Phill does an incredible job of
First Full Look: Core Units from the Leagues of Votann
We’ve been given teases, we’ve been given glimpses, but this is our first gander at all of the core units from the Leagues of Votann and they are glorious. The Hearthkin Warriors in all their glory are finally presented. Take a look at these incredible new units to be

Maryland Open GT Warhammer 40K Winning Lists
The results are in for the Maryland Open GT! The tournament ended with just one player undefeated and claiming the top spot. The rest of the places are interesting (or confusing) because of how the tournament chose to do rankings. The rankings were decided by wins and losses primarily,

Is Angron The Red Angel Finally Coming To Warhammer 40K?
It’s the big question: Will we finally see Angron in Warhammer 40? It’s been announced by Games Workshop that World Eater’s are getting their own codex. That means it’s just a question: Will we see Angron in the codex? One of our pro players Josiah Cook sits down to

War Zone Nephilim Changes Matched Play in Some HUGE Ways
Games Workshop workshop has released some hints as to what’s coming in the new War Zone Nephilim. First, let’s take a look at the changes. Secondary Objectives Receive an Overhaul From Games Workshop: Each player starts with three generic secondary objectives – Assassination, Grind Them Down, and Behind Enemy

New Paints From Games Workshop Announced
These new paints from Games Workshop are actually really incredible! If you’re reading this likely you fully understand how much an integral part of our hobby painting all of your miniatures is to this hobby. There’s nothing worse than wanting to play a game at your local game store,

US Open San Diego GT Warhammer 40K Winning Lists
US Open San Diego Warhammer 40K GT Winning Lists: T’au have found the way back up to the top conquering all that stands in the way. Games Workshop has done really well to even out the armies datasheets. US Open San Diego Warhammer 40K GT 1st place Matthew Geyer

Midwest Conquest Beerhammer Winning Lists May 2022 Warhammer 40K
Midwest Conquest Beerhammer Winning Lists: Death Guard have conquered anyone that tried to stand in their way. Games Workshop has done really well to even out the armies datasheets. Midwest Conquest Beerhammer Winning Lists 1st Place Raphael Peralez – Death Guard Congratulations Raphael for pulling first place at the

Plague And Pestilence IV GT winning Lists May 2022 Warhammer 40K
Plague And Pestilence IV GT winning Lists: T’au have found the way back up to the top conquering all that stands in the way. Games Workshop has done really well to even out the armies datasheets. Plague And Pestilence IV GT 1st place Michael Lee – T’au Congratulations to

How to paint: non metallic metal silver and lighting effects on Space Marines
How to paint: non metallic metal silver and lighting effects on Space Marines: In this article you will learn how to paint non metallic metal silver and lighting effects created by Listerpaints The method used in this article is simple, effective and can be used again and again. Phil does an

Motor City Mayhem GT Winning lists May 2022 Warhammer 40K
Motor City Mayhem GT Winning lists: Tryanids have found the way back up to the top conquering all that stands in the way.Games Workshop has done really well to even out the armies datasheets. Motor City Mayhem GT 1st Place Charlie Andre – Tyranids Congratulations to Charlie for pulling

HUGE Tyranids 9th Edition Update
Alright, so you want to know what happened to the Tyranids 9th edition update to their FAQ? We’ve got you coveredEverything you could possibly want to know about the huge update to this faction Fixes to the Tyranids’ Bugs The Hive Tyrant can no longer dual-wield a Bio-Cannon. Adaptive Physiologies
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