Category: 40k

What We Know About the Plastic Canoness

This week the latest plastic Adepta Sororitas model has been revealed. It’s the commander of the sisters herself, the Canoness. The Canoness is the best of the Adepta Sororitas, both in her faith and tactical ability.   The new model looks incredible. With the level of detail surpassing even

What we know about the new Codex space marines

Today at Warhammer World a huge amount of information about Space Marines dropped. From a new codex to new units to remodels there’s a lot of information here so let’s get to it.   The Codex   First up is the codex itself. This codex will include rules and

What We Know About Combat Arena's Release

Earlier today the new single model deathmatch game, Combat Arena, popped up on Barnes and Noble’s website. Unfortunately it has since sold out, and no stores have it in stock. But it should be back soon.   The Game   Combat Arena isn’t about pitting mighty armies head to

What We Know From the Aeronautica Imperialis Reveal

Games Workshop just revealed a new game coming to the Warhammer 40k universe. It’s Aernautica Imperialis and it’s designed by the team who did Adeptus Titanicus. So that means instead of a squadron of massive planes on the table. You’re playing with scaled down versions of your chosen factions

Kingslayer: Hive Tyrant Tyranids Vs. Njal Stormcaller Space Wolves Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

This weeks matchup a is fierce one! John’s Space Wolves vs.  Ryan’s Tyranids! Both armies have some hard hitting Melee units. While the Space wolves bring fantastic melee specialists, the Tryanids counter this by having more models on the board. This is anyones game at this point and will

Warhammer 40k Chaos Sorcerers Made to Order

Tomorrow some more exciting stuff for Chaos will be released for pre-order. It’s made to order Chaos Sorcerers based on the original pewter molds!   There are three different individual models that you can order, or you can get all three as a set. The three models come equipped

Forge World Imperial and Chaos Renegade Knights Updates

Games Workshop just released datasheets for some new Forge World Imperial and Chaos Renegade Knights. Both the Imperial and Chaos versions of the mighty machines are the same except for keywords. These models look to be pretty devastating so lets take a look…   Acastus Knight   First up

What We Know About Warhammer 40k Chaos Renegade Knights FAQ

A new FAQ for the Chaos Renegade Knights just dropped. Let’s take a look… Errata There are 3 errata changes in the FAQ. The first is to Tyrannical Court, which allows the generation of a different warlord trait for each member of the court. Diabolic Rift now inflicts perils

What we know about Warhammer 40k Sisters of Battle upcoming release

The internet has been abuzz with all the information about the new plastic Adepta Sororitas. Each new model that has been teased just seems to make the new line look better and better. We’ve compiled all the information on the new plastic Adepta Sororitas. Amalia Novena – Sister Superior

Making a GT Winning Tau List- and a Live Stream!

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Do I have quite the surprise for you. Last week I was chatting to my good friend and teammate Justin Cook from Beast Coast, and pitched an idea to him. The idea was a cultural exchange of sorts, but instead of exchanging our heritage,