Category: 40k

Sneak Peak Ork Air WAAAGH Eavy Bommers

We’re pretty excited here at nights about Aeronautica Imperialis. It seems that the folks over at Games Workshop are as well. They’ve revealed the latest aircraft coming to the Ork arsenal. The Eavy Bommer. This plane is the biggest so far revealed for the game, and it has the

Space Marines in the Competitive Metagame

Space Marines have been out and about for about 3 weeks now, yet no one really knows what a competitive list for them looks like. Just last weekend I was at the NOVA Open and I was chatting with some other top 40k players, picking their brains on what

How to Play Aeronautica Imperialis

Now that we’ve gotten the models out of the box, you’re probably wondering how you can use them. Well we’ve got Alex and the Dak here again to show you how to play Aeronautica Imperialis.

Nights Masters: Archon Drukhari Vs. Warboss Orks Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

Nick’s List Nick is running the dreaded Eldar flyer list. This list relies on a lot of firepower and a shocking amount of evasiveness. At glance the fliers may look flimsy, but after the to hit modifiers start to pile up, they can be almost impossible to kill. The

Unboxing Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance

We’ve got Alex and the the Dak here to show you everything that comes in the new Aeronautica Imperialis boxed set, Wings of Vengeance. There’s a lot more great aerial combat action to come. So be sure to stay tuned.

Everything We Know About Aeronautica Imperialis

There are new battles coming to the skies of Warhammer 40k. It’s Aeronautica Imperialis. This is a new dogfighting style game coming to 40k. This is done at the scale of Adeptus Titanicus. Aeronautica Imperialis goes up for preorder this weekend. But first let’s make a swooping dive into

Sneak Peak Sisters of Battle Army Set

We’ve got a culmination to all the Adepta Sororitas news we’ve gotten so far. There is a Sisters of Battle Army Set coming in November 2019. The set includes a grouping of new models and a limited edition codex. We’ve seen the renderings, but seeing these models finally painted

Sneak Peak Shrike: The Raven Guard are the Next in Line to Get Primaris

That’s right Raven Guard players, your legendary Chapter Master is here. Shrike is being updated to look like your other Vanguard marines, and it really shows.   From the epic pose atop the blasted barricade to the first ever “beaky” Primaris helmet, this is one to watch out for.

Sneak Peak Psychic Awakening: Vigilus Was Small Change

We finally got a peek behind the veil of Psychic Awakening and it looks like it will be huge.   The new Psychic Awakening event is a galaxy-wide event that will affect every codex in 40k. The series will resolve open plot threads and see new and old heroes

Kingslayer: Hellblaster Ultramarines Vs. Leman Russ Punisher Astra Militarum

Today we have Ultramarines facing off against the Astra Militarum! Both armies are formidable, one featuring the might of the Knight Crusader. The other, the new and improved Ultramarines. So lets take a moment to look at what they brought to the table. Ryan’s List Ryan is bringing the