Category: 40k

Warhammer Tactics: What Time Is It?

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to be discussing an aspect of gameplay that often gets overlooked when evaluating units or making gameplay decisions. We’re going to be covering Time as a concept, and go over some ways you can use Time to help you win even more

Nick Nanavati vs Erik Trock Orks vs Custodes Live Stream 1/22/19

Hey guys, tomorrow at 1pm EST I’ll be live streaming a game between myself and fellow Beast Coast member current 24th place holder in ITC. Erik is running a really unique foot Custodes list which he just piloted to a solid 4-1 finish at The Golden Sprue GT in New

The Vigilus FAQ and Ynnari- Where Do We Go From Here?

Hey friends, as I’m sure a lot of you know there was a new FAQ that dropped yesterday which basically says that the vigilus formations for Eldar (Wraithhost and Windrider Host) can’t be used with Ynnari. This is obviously a huge set back for all those who listened to

Nick Nanavati vs Mike Butler Orks vs Ynnari Live Stream Wednesday 1/16 10am EST

Hey guys, the lap top is fixed, the traveling is done, and the streaming is back! This Wednesday on Nights PRO we’ll be featuring my Ork list from Hammer in the New Year vs Mike Butler’s latest Ynnari list! Mike was running a Ynnari wraithhost list with a lot of success

Warhammer Tactics: Fire On My Target!

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to be breaking down Target Priority, both as a concept along with some deeper level theorycrafting around it to help you improve all your Warhammer 40K games. Let’s dive in! At its core, Target Priority can be simply thought of as identifying

Warhammer Tactics: Casual vs. Competitive

Warhammer Tactics is back, and it’s coming in with a double feature. Today, we’re going to be looking at the ideas of being “Casual” and “Competitive” are, both from the perspective of players and models in the game. There’s often a lot of miscommunication when it comes to these

Talk to the Fist! Crimson Fist Supplement Rules Overview!

As one of the most popular Second-Founding chapters of Space Marines, the Crimson Fists are getting some long-overdue additional rules! These steadfast warriors are well-known for their incredible skill in slaughtering Orks, and here’s what we know so far about their newest abilities! Chapter Tactics: Due to years of

Starting the New Year Off With a Bang!

Hey guys, I hope you all a great and happy new year! I’m personally going to hit the ground running with a whole bunch of cool 40k related things, and I wanted to share some of them with you! Charity Hammer! Friday January 4th at 6pm PST I’ll be

Warhammer Armies: Sisters Of Battle

Warhammer Armies is back! Today, we’re going to be looking at the beta codex for Sisters of Battle. Because the Codex is in beta, it’s not as flushed out as a full codex, especially when it comes to trait specific things. So, we’re instead going to be doing one

King Slayer Armies: Orks vs. Chaos Space Marines

As Christmas looms on the horizon, the forces of Chaos are gathering for one final battle against the encroaching Ork horde. Their Warboss, Orky Kev, has already netted two victories on the King Slayer circuit, and it’s up to the Chaos Space Marines to take them down and Save