Category: 40k

Top Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cult Tactics, Hivecult – Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to the Faction Focus for the Hivecult. Today, we’re going to be breaking down everything you could want to know about playing the Hivecult at a local competition. This article is a supplement to the Warhammer Armies:Genestealer Cults, intended to help you play Hivecult specifically alongside the information

Nick Nanavati vs Chad Layton Nids/GSC vs Necrons Live Stream 3/23 10am EST

Hello ladies and gentlemen! This Saturday at 10am EST I’ll be live steaming a game with my GSC/Nid list vs Chad “The One True Necron Queen” and his Necrons! Chad’s a teammate of mine on Beast Coast, and he has been crushing it with Necrons throughout the past year.

How to Death Watch Part 2- By Michael Scott

Hey guys Mike here again with my 2nd instalment on my experience with deathwatch. Last time we looked at my list made with the regular bros and tank commanders for flavour, this time I’ve spent more time reading and have come up with a very well rounded list. Before

Top Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cult Tactics, Pauper Princes- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to the Faction Focus for the The Pauper Princes. Today, we’re going to be breaking down everything you could want to know about playing the The Pauper Princes at a local competition. This article is a supplement to the Warhammer Armies:Genestealer Cults, intended to help you play The

Nights At The Game Table Battle Report Army Lists: Zarakynel Slaanesh Daemons vs. Dark Angels Deathwing (ft. Deathwing Knights!)

This week on Nights At The Game Table, we’ve got a father vs. son showdown this week as Adam and Ollie face off in another epic battle! Adam is bringing a Slaanesh daemon army filled with some of the most grotesque abominations that Chaos has to offer, and he’ll

Nick Nanavati vs Mike Buttler Ultramarines 2.0 vs Aeldari March 20

Hey there girls and boys, this week on Nights PRO I’ll bee streaming my updated Ultrashame 2.0 list against Mike and his Eldar/dark Eldar. Mike is a very talented Aeldari player, and a fellow teammate form Beast Coast, and we always give each other very challenging games. The stream will be

What We Know About The Lord Discordant- Nights At The Game Table

The Dak here, today I am going to talk about about the new unit the dark gods will be bestowing upon us, The Lord Discordant. Now, my first talking point will be about one of The Lord Discordant’s most obvious features, this dude looks completely awesome. The miniature is

Top Tau Tactics, Defense and Good Screening – Knights At The Game Table

  Any tau player with a game under their belt knows that tau dominate the shooting phase.  However, with tau’s best close combat unit being a mediocre character and having no psychic phase presence, other armies tend to try to bully tau in those phases rather than take them

Best Warhammer 40K Genestealer Cult Lists 2019- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Nights At The Game Table’s newest periodical, Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going

Imperium and its New Sideboard!

Imperium just got a freakin sideboard. Hello Nights at the Game Table! Matt Root here. Let’s talk about the new boogey-man, the spooky dude in the closet, the new latest buff that Imperium has gotten – Assassins. For those of you who aren’t in the know, there have been