Category: 40k

Should I Buy A Riptide – Nights At The Game Table

Thats right, todays Should I Buy article is about the (in)famous Riptide! These big stompy Gundams are a staple for many Tau players, but maybe the cool factor isn’t enough. Perhaps, you want to know the merits of the once indomitable Riptide, and what its good for? Well dear

Nick Nanavati vs Justin Cook Live Stream The Hivemind vs Tau!

Hey guys, tomorrow June 6th at 6pm EST I’ll be duking it out with Justin Cook and his mech tau with Tyranids and GSC! Justin has been a pillar of the hobby for years, winning the NOVA Open, playing for Team America at ETC, and more recently top 16-ing

Harlequins vs Tyranids ( feat. Swarmlord and Solitaire)

So, we have quite the matchup today! It’s Ryan’s Tyranids vs Kevin’s Harlequins. Can the space clowns drag down the infamous Swarmlord and make him float? lets take a closer look at their lists and see what each of them is bringing to the table. Ryan’s Tyranids Ryan is

Matt Rooot Cause Analysis: Geoff Robinson's Custodes

Hey guys! This is Matt and the first of my articles, Root’s Cause Analysis, where I look at competitive lists and tell you what you need to know about GT winning lists! Today, we’re going to look at the BAO Winning List with the new Forgeworld Custodes:   Strengths: The

Nights Masters Warboss Power Klaw Orks Vs. Knight Valiant Imperial Soup: Nights At The Game Table

This next battlereport features Nick’s Orks vs Davids Imperial soup list! Both armies are coming in with Lots of Firepower. Be it the volume of fire from Nick’s Orks or the Precision of the heroic Custodes and Space Marines. This is a Matchup you will want to see! Nick’s

New Chaos Releases: A Competitive Review- Part 2 Vigilus Ablaze

Hey everybody—my name is Justin Curtis, I’m frequently a judge at some of the major GTs in the US, and have been playing various Chaos armies at a highly competitive level for about ten years now.  These days, I’m usually seen pushing some combination of Mortarion and/or Magnus into

Nick Nanavati vs TJ Lannigan Live Stream Satruday 6/1 1:30pm EST

Hey guys, special surprise for you! This Saturday (tomorrow) at 1:30pm EST I’ll be streaming a game against none other than the one and only Tj Lanigan! I’ll be using my GT winning GSC army vs his GT winning Chaos list! The stream will be on nights pro, and

April 2019 Big FAQ Addendum Breakdown- Nights At The Game Table

Well ladies and gentlemen it seems like we have an FAQ…. for April’s FAQ. While this does seem strange at first glance, this is actually Games Workshop doing due diligence on their rules. The April FAQ caused some rules conflicts but this helps clear them up. So, why don’t

Special ATC / Team Format Clinic Wednesday June 5th

ATC and ETC are two of the most challenging, unique and fun tournaments out there, yet so little is know about the strategy that goes into team composition and pairings. Every week in my Nights PRO group I teach clinics on the various different factions: Imperial, Chaos, Aeldari, Xenos,

Live Stream- Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Sisters vs Eldar 5/30 4pm EST

Hey everyone! Guess who just bought a Sisters army! That’s right! And tomorrow I’ll be trying them out on a live stream against BAO top 8 finalist Jack Harpster and his Eldar. It’ll be my first game and my first list with Sisters, which should make for a really