Tag: ITC

summer slaughter winning lists

Summer Slaughter Warhammer 40k Winning Lists

This weekend saw the Summer Slaughter Warhammer 40k tournament take place as an ITC Major in England.  Mani Cheema brought so much skew to his list the buggies are careening on just two wheels. An awesome fun list for first place. How the list works includes the Blood axe
Craftworld Eldar Tactics

Eldar Tactics: The Next Step Up

So you want to play your friends at 2,000 points? Well Nights at the Game Table provides with a 2,000 point lists. In addition to the Eldar Codex, rules from Phoenix Rising will also be used in this list. The original list was found in Eldar Tactics a Beginner’s
Terminate Necrons

How this Necron Player Will Make Necrons Great Again

This is David with Nights at the Game Table in part 2 of our interview with Antonio Cedeño. For a Necron player to beat the Imperium there is more to it than go first and roll better… but that helps quite a bit. Deno is the number 1 Necron
Make Necrons Great Again

This guy knows how to Make Necrons Great Again!

Throughout the United States at various tournaments was a player wearing a black hat and bright green lettering: “Make Necrons Great Again”. Antonio Cedeño better known as Deno ended the 2019 ITC season as the number 2 player of Necrons in Competitive 40k in the world. With 4 events
Warhammer 40k Adepticon Tournament Rules 2020

Warhammer 40k Adepticon Tournament Rules 2020

Warhammer 40k Adepticon Tournament Rules! Everything you need to know about each mission of the year’s first Super Major Warhammer 40k Tournament.

Warhammer Tactics: Overcoming Adversity

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to be looking at ways we can optimize our gameplay in terms of decisions against skilled opponents. Almost all of us have an opponent we struggle against playing. If you only play locally, it might be that one guy who’s always playing

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