Tag: Death Guard

40k Grenades

War of the Spider: Death Guard Tactics Part Two

Death Guard is one of the prominent forces in the new War of the Spider release. They got lots of new Stratagems, Relics, and the ability to further customize detachments by dedicating them to one of seven Plague Companies. Joining War of the Spider: Death Guard Tactics Part One,
Death Guard Tactics

War of the Spider: Death Guard Tactics – Part One

The Death Guard are the inexorable forces of Mortarion himself, dedicated to the Chaos God Nurgle. They’ve been waiting for their release in Psychic Awakening, and at last, it’s here. Like the War of the Spider: Creations of Bile Tactics before, we’re going to be looking at potent combinations
New Faction

This is the first Online Warhammer 40k preview from Games Workshop

We at Nights just finished watching the new preview and reveals from Games Workshop Online and Its a good one! So, The Corona Virus may have shut down Adepticon and any juicy reveal that would have been previewed. However, Games Workshop still came through with a host of new

Top Space Marine Tactics (Getting the most from your 3+)- Nights At The Game Table

     Today, we have a slightly different style of tactics article for you. We’re going to be looking at an army construction method that you can breathe new life into your army of 3+ save  models, regardless of if you play Necrons, Space Marines, Death Guard, or any other army

Kingslayer Battle Report: Orks vs. Death Guard (feat. Ork Codex!)

The end of Orktober is fast approaching, and it just wouldn’t be a true celebration here at NATGT without us allowing our tamed warboss, Kevin, to play with all of his new Orky toys! So, this week on Kingslayer, we’re following up Kev’s victory last week as he takes

Battle Report: Necrons vs. Death Guard

It’s flu season here at Nights At The Game Table! Jonathan from FNP Wargamers brought his Death Guard to Wargamescon with the intent of infecting the entire NATGT crew, but the Queen of The Necrons is out to put a stop to the infestation once and for all! In