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Astra Militarum Tactics

Astra Militarum Tactics: Advancing play

Our Advancing Play articles take one of our original lists in this case, the —Astra Militarum Tactics: Beginner’s Guide— list and brings it up to 2,000 points. Small changes are made but we endeavor to keep most of the models and weapon options from the original lists. We typically

Top Melee Weapons in 40K

Today’s article is all about melee weapons. We all know that Warhammer 40k is a game of guns and bigger guns. Of course, bringing a knife to a gun fight is not the smartest way to go… but it’s clearly the more awesome way to kill! Throughout the universe
ironhands tactics

Beginner's Guide: Iron Hands Tactics

Today’s article is all about the Iron Hands. A faction mostly known for their famous saying ‘’Flesh is Weak’’. You are just starting out in the Warhammer 40,00 universe or searching for a faction that loves toughness, armor, robots and metallic parts? You are searching for a Space Marine

Warhammer 40k New Release: Psychic Awakening, Horus Heresy & More!

In today’s article, we are going to go cover all the Warhammer 40k New Release information that was previewed by GW this morning in their live twitch reveal. We are in for a long one today so settle yourself on a comfortable chair and fasten your seatbelt because there
Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics

Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics Intermediate

We learned who the Adeptus Mechanicus are in the Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics Beginner’s Guide, . The first list balanced strong shooting and the defensive buff from Stygies VII. For the next thousand points, we will add key units and not use Forgeworld Models. Psychic Awakening Machine War promises more
NEw Adeptus Mechanicus

Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics: Beginner's Guide

Today’s, article is all about Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics. So, If you’re interested in starting an Adeptus Mechanicus army you will learn everything you need to know below. We will talk a little bit about who they are, their play style, and end with a solid 1,000 pt army list
Custodes Tactics

Custodes Tactics: Beginner's Guide

Today’s, article is all about Custodes Tactics. So, If you’re interested in starting a Custodes army you will learn everything you need to know below. We will talk a little bit about who they are, their play style, and end with a solid 1,000 pt army list with some
Terminate Necrons

How to Terminate Necrons

Today we are joined with Eulis Sanders. He ended the last ITC season as the number 1 Necron player. He currently holds the Make Necrons Great Again Hat. I interviewed him on how to Terminate Necrons as they can be a hard army for some to beat. I know
Kroot Tactics

Kroot Tactics: Beginner's Guide

Today’s, article is all about Kroot Tactics. Warhammer Community Announced the next codex will be Codex Kroot and we couldn’t be more excited. So, If you’re interested in starting an army of alien chicken-lizards you will learn everything you need to know below. We will talk a little bit
New Rules

New Rules From Saga of the Beast | Warhammer 40k

We have the new Saga of the Beast book in our hands and we can’t wait to share some of our favorite rules from the new book. There is a lot of great stuff in this new book, and we plan to give you in-depth tactics breakdowns over the

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