Today’s, article is all about Kroot Tactics. Warhammer Community Announced the next codex will be Codex Kroot and we couldn’t be more excited. So, If you’re interested in starting an army of alien chicken-lizards you will learn everything you need to know below. We will talk a little bit about who they are, their play style, and end with a solid 1,000 pt army list with some Kroot tactics. Also, yes we are absolutely doing this, and no, you can’t stop me.
Dak What the Heck is a Kroot?

The Kroot ( not to be confused with Groot) are an alien race that regularly hires themselves out as mercenaries. Also, they look kind of like raggedy chicken-lizards which is why they are the best. Furthermore, they need to eat other lifeforms in order to evolve and risk a sort of genetic stagnation if they don’t. As such, when a Kroot feeds on a fallen foe they will get bigger, stronger, and smarter by assimilating some of its DNA. This need to feed is a large part of what drives them to work as Mercenaries. Granted, they are typically hired by the T’au as shock troops (fodder) for their military operations. After all its not like the T’au are good at close combat.
Kroot Play Style
Firstly, the Kroot are an army within an army and don’t have a ton of rules support when compared to Tau. In fact, a Kroot army plays a lot like a CSM army comprised of mostly cultists. Essentially, trading Chaos wombo-combo support for better guns and better strength but overall less synergy. Having said this, they are easily some of the best CC options Tau has, and they are as cheap as chips. So, you do at least get to bring a whole lot of Kroot units. While we don’t have any of the new rules yet we went ahead and made an army list for them. So without further ado, here is my top tier Kroot list!
The List
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T’au Empire) [50 PL, 731pts, 8CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
Sept Choice: Dal’yth Sept
+ HQ +
Ethereal [3 PL, 51pts]: Equalizers, Gunship Diplomat (Dal’yth Sept), Hover drone, Warlord
Ethereal [3 PL, 51pts]: Equalizers, Hover drone
+ Troops +
Kroot Carnivores [5 PL, 80pts]
. 20x Kroot: 20x Kroot rifle
Kroot Carnivores [5 PL, 80pts]
. 20x Kroot: 20x Kroot rifle
Kroot Carnivores [5 PL, 80pts]
. 20x Kroot: 20x Kroot rifle
Kroot Carnivores [5 PL, 80pts]
. 20x Kroot: 20x Kroot rifle
Kroot Carnivores [5 PL, 44pts]
. 11x Kroot: 11x Kroot rifle
+ Elites +
Dahyak Grekh [2 PL, 20pts]
Kroot Shaper [2 PL, 20pts]: Kroot rifle
Krootox Riders [5 PL, 75pts]
. 3x Krootox Rider: 3x Kroot gun, 3x Krootox fists
Krootox Riders [5 PL, 75pts]
. 3x Krootox Rider: 3x Kroot gun, 3x Krootox fists
Krootox Riders [5 PL, 75pts]
. 3x Krootox Rider: 3x Kroot gun, 3x Krootox fists
++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [16 PL, 269pts, 1CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Detachment CP [1CP]
Sept Choice: Sa’cea Sept
+ HQ +
Ethereal [2 PL, 45pts]: Honour blade
+ Fast Attack +
Kroot Hounds [3 PL, 48pts]
. 12x Kroot Hound: 12x Ripping fangs
Kroot Hounds [3 PL, 48pts]
. 12x Kroot Hound: 12x Ripping fangs
Kroot Hounds [3 PL, 48pts]
. 12x Kroot Hound: 12x Ripping fangs
Pathfinder Team [5 PL, 80pts]: Networked markerlights
. 10x Pathfinder: 10x Markerlight, 10x Photon grenades, 10x Pulse carbine
++ Total: [66 PL, 9CP, 1,000pts] ++
Kroot Tactics and Army Breakdown.

First off we are going to break up our army into two detachments, a battalion, and an outrider. We have ou battalion with all our shooting units as Dal’yth and our Outrider will be Sa’cea. The primary reason we took Dal’yth is for their warlord trait that gives nearby Kroot units “For the Greater good”. Additionally, The Outrider detachment is Sa’cea for the Stratagem “Orbital Marker Distribution Uplink”. This is only the beginning of how awesome this list is, so you better brace yourselves.
The Core of the Army
This Army is bringing the maximum amount of Kroot units outside of regular carnivores such as Krootox Riders and Hounds. Plus we are bringing a whopping 91 Kroot Carnivores for maximum board control and chicken-lizard murder. By taking so many units we can effectively drown our opponents in models, gunfire, and stab wounds. Which also happens to be my three favorite things. Additionally, we have a total of 12 Krootox riders (Space Harambe) that have a total of 24 Janky Autocannon shots in rapid-fire range. However, the Krootox is no slouch in melee with their strength 6 damage 2 attacks.
Last, we have our Kroot Hounds with their 12 “ inch move and Ap-1 melee attacks. Thus, Kroot Hounds are fantastic harassing units and are the best chicken-lizard dogs you could ask for. So we went ahead and took 36 of them for maximum competitiveness. After all, the only way to build top tier lists is to include the maximum number of space gorillas and chicken-lizard dogs.
The Synergy that Binds this Beautiful thing Together

The army does need a little it of help from their less competitive T’au friends, and we don’t want them feeling left out. So we have plenty of Etherials nearby to improve their leadership and hand out a 6+++ FNP. After all, no competent mercenary can get paid/ eat corpses if they run away from the fight or die. Lastly, we have our Pathfinder team with Networked marker lights to help our brave Kroot see their targets. I mean, haven’t you seen how much chicken-lizards, dogs, and Gorillas love laser pointers? Also, re-rolling hit rolls of a 1 along with a possible +1 to hit is always nice.
In Conclusion
That will wrap up our Kroot tactics article for today, and this list is absolutely fire. Also, this article is, of course, a joke, and there is no Kroot Codex. Granted, if you want to run a Kroot army, this is probably the best way to do it. However, if you desire something other than Kroot tactics articles you should click here and here.
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As always thanks for reading!
Special thanks to Games Workshop for the use of their images and for making the best game ever!