Category: 40k

Kingslayer: Rampager Chaos Renegade Knights Vs. Shadow Seer Harlequins Warhammer 40K Battle Report

Todays Matchup is an exciting one! we have Kevins Aeldari vs Dakota’s Chaos Knights! Both armies are very elite, an bring a lot of high strength attacks to the table. Dakota’s List Dakota’s army is very straightforward. its packing a lot of high toughness and some devastating weaponry. With

Top Space Marine Tactics (Getting the most from your 3+)- Nights At The Game Table

     Today, we have a slightly different style of tactics article for you. We’re going to be looking at an army construction method that you can breathe new life into your army of 3+ save  models, regardless of if you play Necrons, Space Marines, Death Guard, or any other army

What we Know about Index Blood Ravens- Nights At The Game Table

So, it looks like Blood Ravens are finally going to get some rules. Next months White dwarf will have an index entry for them, much like it did for the crimson fists. The Blood Ravens have actually been around for a while. In fact, they even got their chapter

What We Know About The Eisenhorn TV show- Nights at the Game Table

Well its finally happening, Warhammer 40k is making it to prime time. Over the years Games Workshop has been steadily expanding its IP’s into new Media. We of course have a slew of miniatures, and boxed games. Alongside, a metric ton of novels, and quite a few digital games

Chaos Tactics and Breakdown for Nurgle and Thousand Sons- by Matt Root

Hey guys! Matt Root here. Welcome to another of my articles, Matt’s Root Cause Analysis, where I look at competitive lists and tell you what you need to know about GT winning lists! Today, we’re going to talk about the boogeyman in the closet: the Psychic Plaguebearer Soup (which

Kingslayer: Seraptek Necrons Vs. Hierophant Tyranids Warhammer APOCALYPSE Battle Report-Nights At The Game Table

Today we have a special Apocalypse batrep! We have Eve’s Necrons facing off against Ryan’s Tyranids. Both players are bringing some serious heat, and some truly fearsome models. This will be a battle of epic proportions so lets take a look at their lists. Eve’s List Eve’s list is

Warhammer 40k Apocalypse Review- Nights At The Game Table

So Apocalypse is out and its time we break it down. Nights is going to give you a review of the New Apocalypse rules. This s a brand new game and one that I am really enjoying, so lets dive in! Overview Apocalypse is the mass battle system for

Warhammer 40k Chaos Renegade Knights Codex Review

Hello friends, it is I, Nick Nanavati to talk to you today about Chaos Knights! As with most of my articles, this one will focus on Chaos Knights from a competitive perspective, so I can show you exactly how to use your cool new robots to kick butt on

Knight Crusader Imperial Knights Vs. Dark Strider T’au Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

For todays Batrep we have Clifton’s stalwart T’au forces facing off against Ryan’s  Chivalrous Knights. Imperial Knights are a force to be reckoned with, boasting high toughness and devastating weapons. The T’au are not to be underestimated however, and boast some of the strongest shooting in the entire 41st

How To Play Warhammer 40k Apocalypse- Nights At The Game Table

Today we are going over some of the core rules for Apocalypse. First off this is honestly a new game with a very different ruleset from 8th edition. In fact its a bit closer in some ways to the old Epic rules from around 2nd edition. This more or