Author: Travis

15 Facts about Necrons

15 Facts About Necrons

Here are 15 Facts about Necrons that may come as a shock to you! Necrons are perhaps the Best First Army, when it comes to Warhammer 40k 9th Edition. Which is great because when it comes to their lore there is so much to dive into! They were the
Space Marine Fact

25 Space Marine Facts You Didn’t Know

While Necrons may be the Best First Army, when it comes to Space Marine facts and 40k lore there is so much to dive into and it’s easy to see why they’re so popular. You might already know a Space Marine fact or two about the power armor wearing
Best, First Army in Warhammer 40K

The Best First Army for Warhammer 40K 9th Edition

If you’re already a fan of Warhammer 40,000 and you already know which faction you love then this article isn’t for you. This is for the beginner. Or for your friend who’s just starting out, and you want to help them get into it. Especially when they ask what

How to Disembark from Vehicles in Warhammer 40K 9th Edition

Rob Woods, a member of our Facebook group Game Talk for Gamers asked, “how do you disembark from vehicles and what kind of rules are involved?” Which is great for our Beginners Series like How to use a Pistol. There are two main rules to Disembark in Warhammer 40K
9th Edition Vehicles and Models

New 40K 9th Edition Vehicles and Models Revealed!

Howdy, neighbors! Let’s take a look at what’s new in the world of Warhammer for the week ending 9/12/20. 9th Edition Vehicles and Models Leaks This week was suspiciously quiet in the leaks department. Curiouser and curiouser! There were a few last week. 9th Edition Vehicles and Models Peaks
Falling Back in Warhammer

How Falling Back Works in Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Falling back in Warhammer takes place at the start of your movement phase when you’re in close combat and you do not want to be there. Now, there are many reasons why you may want to leave close combat with a unit. Most of them revolve around wanting the

New Space Marine & Necron Codex to be revealed!

That’s right, Games Workshop announced that this coming Saturday they will reveal the new upcoming Space Marine & Necron Codex! We’re ultra excited to see what these books contain and will be giving you the latest update for this. The latest leaks that don’t involve the Space Marine &

How to play Warhammer 40k 9th Edition explained in 10 minutes or less

You’re about to learn how to play Warhammer 40k 9th Edition faster than ever! Now the start of Warhammer is very simple. You and your opponent are going to start by rolling the dice to see who gets the first turn. The highest roll wins. From there, the winner
Heavy Weapons in Warhammer

How Heavy Weapons Work in Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

In Warhammer 40K 9th Edition, heavy weapons work a little bit differently than they did in 8th. The way that heavy weapons work is you get a -1 to hit if you move and fire. 9th Edition is a big deal because -1 to hit is the largest penalty

How the 3 different Cover types work in Warhammer 40K 9th Edition

There are 3 different types of cover in this Warhammer 40K edition of the game. There is light cover, heavy cover and dense cover, and each one has a very different impact on the game. Now let’s discuss heavy cover. It’s possible for a piece of terrain to be