Category: Pro

Exclusive One Time Sale on Nights Pro Coaching!

Hello all! If you were ever on the fence with my pro coaching packages, now is the best time to jump in! To celebrate the team up between The Brown Magic and Nights at the Game Table we’re doing a JUNE ONLY SALE for the Nights Pro Coaching! Typically

Out With the Old- In With the Nights Pro

Hey guys, as I’m sure many of you are aware, The Brown Magic is in the process of rebranding itself as part of the Nights at the Game Table! Their goals align with mine perfectly, and we can both help each other grow immensely to both offer better value

Being Triumphant at the Triumph GT

Hey guys, this weekend I’ll be going to the Triumph GT in New Jersey! It will be a classic 2000 GT using slightly modified ITC missions that will now incorporate an end game portion to the missions as well. For once, I’m not specifically tailoring my list for the

A Gentleman's Guide to Competitive 40k

Hooray! You’re off to a 40K tournament. Maybe it’s your first or maybe it’s your 50th. Maybe you’ve yet to win a competitive game or maybe you’ve got so many trophies your name is spoken of in hushed whispers when gamers gather at local stores. Ask yourself. What type

Goals Aren't Just For Soccer Part 1

Want to learn the mentality of how to set goals for yourself? Nick Brown has got you covered! In every aspect of your life, you set goals for yourself whether you realize it or not. Not all goals have to be grandiose milestones, in fact they shouldn’t be. If