Being Triumphant at the Triumph GT


Hey guys, this weekend I’ll be going to the Triumph GT in New Jersey! It will be a classic 2000 GT using slightly modified ITC missions that will now incorporate an end game portion to the missions as well. For once, I’m not specifically tailoring my list for the event, as I normally preach in my 7 Steps to Win a Tournament article, and that’s because I’m actually using this tournament to prepare for the even larger and more important the European Team Championship where I’ll be representing America for the 6th consecutive year!
There will be some really big fish in this relatively small pond, such as up and coming locals like Jack Harpster, Brad Nichols, Amir Golpoor, and the now infamous Tubby who I’m sure many of you recognize from my stream. Also, some fellow Team America members like Nick Rose and Steve Pampreen! I certainly have my work cut out for me with this one.
Here’s the list I’ll be using this weekend!

Aliatoc Battalion
Warlock 55
Warlock Conclave 90
5 Rangers 60
5 Rangers 60
10 Guardians 80
5 Swooping Hawks- talon 68
Wave Serpent- bottom shuriken cannon 134
Wave Serpent 129
Mixed Supreme Command
Farseer <aliatoc> 110
Farseer <aliatoc> 110
Spiritseer <biel tan> 65
Ynari Outrider
Cat Lady (WL) 132
9 Shining Spears- star lance <saim hann> 281
9 Shining Spears- star lance <biel tan> 281
5 Swooping Hawks- talons <biel tan> 68
8 Dark Reapers- Tempest Launcher <aliatoc> 277

I’ll also be doing some facebook live streaming in the Nights at the Game Table Members group throughout the event, so be sure to check that out and become a member yourself!

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alpine gt 40k

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