Tag: Warcry

Warcry Review- Nights At The Gametable

So, I have a confession. I am in fact somthing of a fan of AoS. However, much like 40k the cost of entry can be a bit steep. Plus, some armies need to bring a lot of bodies which means more money and more painting that needs to be

How to play Warcry- Nights At The Game Table

Oh yeah it’s Warcry time! Warcry is coming out on the 3rd of August and I couldn’t be more excited. Warcry is the skirmish scale game for AoS. Similar to what Kill Team is to Warhammer 40k. So, lets take a closer look at how to play a game.

Warhammer AOS Warcry: What We Know- Nights At The Game Table

Warcry is finally going up on pre-order this weekend! I have been waiting a long time for this game and hoping it would be what I’ve always wanted. A kill team game for AOS, and you know what? Warcry looks to be exactly that. A game designed from the