Tag: Tactics

Board Control Basics!

When talking about how to become a better 40k player, it’s common to point to small tricks or tips that are the secret to becoming better. The problem with relying on tricks is that, due to their reliance on very specific board states, they are difficult to consistently apply

Warhammer Tactics: Control The Board, Control The Game

    Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to look at some upper level movement tricks that you can use to help you control your opponent’s movement and deep strike options. The tactics we’ll be covering today will be useable with any units in the game, but they

Warhammer Tactics: The Value of Mediocrity

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to go over some theory crafting relating to list construction. Specifically, we’re going to cover the pros of taking mediocre models with low points costs, and why you should reconsider them in your list construction. Most armies in 40K have access to

Warhammer Tactics: Pile In Like A Pro

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to be looking at how to optimize the way we handle our Charge and Fight phases with step by step tutorials so you can play like a professional! We’ll begin with things that are easier to follow, and slowly work our way

Warhammer Armies: The Wolves Den

Welcome to Warhammer Armies!  Armies is a new periodical breaking down everything you could possibly want to know about a faction. Today, we’re breaking down the brand new Space Wolf codex. We’re going to be going over the army’s overall game plan, discussing their main stratagems, relics, warlord traits,

Kill Team Tactics – Matched Play Tactics Analysis

Kill Teams is fresh off the press, and it’s quite an awesome game. It follows a similar ruleset to 40K, while having just enough differences to truly make it feel like it is its own game, and not just “40K with very few models”. To help you get the

Kill Team Tactics – Matched Play Command Roster

Kill Team is fresh off the press, and it’s quite an awesome game. It follows a similar ruleset to 40K, while having just enough differences to truly make it feel like it is its own game, and not just “40K with very few models.” To help you get the

Mind Games: Changing Things Up Against a Changeling

Last week we continued our current mini-series, wherein we are looking at playing into our opponents’ weaknesses based on their preferred playstyle. To begin, if you haven’t already, read back to the first article Mind Games article, where we broke down the four play-styles and some of their characteristics.

Warhammer Tactics: Achieving Victory Over Agents of Vect

Welcome to Warhammer Tactics! Today, we’re going to be taking a look at one of the most infamous and powerful stratagems in the game, and what you can do to fight against it. Obviously, I’m talking about Agents of Vect. Many a player has been completely dominated by the

Mind Games: Scoring Direct Hits On A Tank Commander

Last week we started our current mini-series, wherein we are looking at playing into our opponents’ weaknesses in their preferred play-style. To begin, if you haven’t already, read back to the first article in this series, where we broke down the four play-styles and some of their characteristics. In