Category: 40k

New Chaos Releases: A Competitive Review- Part 1 New and Updated Units

Hey everybody—my name is Justin Curtis, I’m frequently a judge at some of the major GTs in the US, and have been playing various Chaos armies at a highly competitive level for about ten years now.  These days, I’m usually seen pushing some combination of Mortarion and/or Magnus into

Solitaire Harlequins Vs. Wulfen Space Wolves Warhammer 40k: Nights At The Game Table

  This week on Nights at the Game Table, we have a fierce showdown between two elite melee armies! We have Kevin’s lightning fast Harlequins going up against John’s savage Space Wolves. Keep scrolling down to see the army lists for these two brutal forces! Returning from his last

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Chaos 2019 updated- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Battle Report: Craftworlds vs. Astra Militarum ( feat. Wraithguard and the Marauder Destroyer)- Nights at the Game Table

For this weeks battle report we have David’s Astra Militarum facing off against Kevin’s Aeldari. Both players are bringing some considerable firepower to the table! On Kevins side is a squad of wraithguard with wraith cannons. Weapons that can rip nearly any vehicle apart by bending the very fabric

Should I Buy Kroot Carnivores: Nights At The Game Table

Oh yes, thats right. This Article is about Kroot, the often overlooked troops choice for T’au. At a glance, They seem rather sub-par, but it may just be that your looking at them in the wrong light. So, lets go over whether or not you should grab a box

NATGT Nick Nanavati and the Renegade GT!

Hey all, this weekend I’ll be going to the Renegade GT- Spring Conflagration with my GSC!  Two weeks ago I piloted my GSC list to Best General at the Canadian Tabletop Championships up in Canadia (aka America’s Hat). This week I’ve made a couple tiny adjustments and I’m looking to

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Aeldari: Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Should I Buy Chaos Terminators: Nights At The Game Table

  Hey There Everyone its The Dak, back at it again with another “should I buy” article. This one is coming in a bit late, but its better late than never I always say. Unless its like a rescue helicopter or something, those kinda need to be on time.

Should I Buy A Knight Castellan: Nights At The Game Table

What? You thought these articles were just for new releases? Nope, these articles encompass the entirety of the 40k range! Today i’m going to be talking about the boogeyman of the ITC, the Knight Castellan. So, the big bad of 40k has received a bonk on the head with

Off to the Canadian Tabletop Championships!

Hey guys, this weekend I’ll be traversing the great wall to the frozen north to play in my first ever Canadian event! The Canadian Tabletop Championships (CTC for short) is a new major event ran by Joe Gorden, and he’s doing literally everything imaginable to make sure it’s a