Day: November 8, 2021

war zone octarius blood axes

New War Zone Octarius Blood Axes Rules Released!

The new War Zone Octarius Blood Axes Warhammer 40k has been released! Orks are known for being relentless and clannish. If you’re interested in playing an outlier clan, consider the Blood Axes–they now have a special 9th edition codex supplement.  Among Orks in the Warhammer universe, the Blood Axe
war zone octarius

New War Zone Octarius Warhammer 40k Rules Announced!

Are you ready for the latest War Zone Octarius Warhammer 40k 9th edition campaign book? The Octarius System Campaign depicts drama and war in the Octarius system, providing guidance for running complete, tactics-driven, narratively relevant campaigns in the Warhammer universe. If you’re all about powering up your 9th edition

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