BIG NEWS: A Warhammer Risk Game is coming to a Game Shop Near you!
Sit down before we tell you this… You are sitting down now? Good. Here it is!

We didn’t want to take any risks (see what I did there?! I know… it was an easy one.)
Yes, this is true. Whammer 40K is getting the Risk treatment. After having seen, around last Christmas, the Monopoly Warhammer 40K, the Munchkin 40K, now we get the Risk Warhammer 40K.
Rejoice Risk Fans!
I don’t know if you have seen this little detail but there are models in this thing! Fans of the now-discontinued Epic game can now rejoice because we have small scale units again! Ok, granted, this is not a resurrection of Epic, but it is still something pretty awesome!
We can see in there, little Space Marines, little Chaos Space Marines, little Eldars, Little Orks, and little Genestealer Cults. That’s not all. I don’t have my glasses nearby but there seem to be little Tanks also to go with these little models.
We posted earlier this week a Top 5 Social Distancing games to play alone, by video or with the family. Add this one to the list for sure! Not much is known so far about the differences between usual Risk and this one but it’s still pretty great to have a mix of the universe we love and a famous game like Monopoly or Risk.
The game is supposed to hit the shelves next Autumn and is set in the Vigilus world during the War of the Beast that saw some campaigns come out late last year. (See our articles about Vigilus Defiant and Vigilus Ablaze) Marneus Calgar is reported to be the leader of the Space Marine faction and Abaddon the leader of the Chaos faction. The game should be around 50$ US.
Are you as excited as us? Does this scratch an itch you didn’t know you had? Fans of Epic out there, are you happy to go back to painting little Space Marines?
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If you don’t know what Warhammer 40k is and how to play it check out the video that we made here just for you:
For those who already know how to play the game and you’d like a free guide that teaches you how to paint professional-looking miniatures, advanced tournament tips from a 40k World Champion, how to find more time to play, and simple methods to get cheap miniatures go here:
If you’d like a breakdown of the advanced tactics and strategies for all 40k armies, painting tutorials from a Golden Demon winner, secret battle reports, and tons more consider becoming a Nights at the Game Table Member today. Click on this link to learn more:
As always thanks for reading!
Special thanks to Games Workshop for the use of their images and for making the best game ever!