Last weekend saw three Days of games and fun in downtown NOLA for The US Open New Orleans Warhammer 40k Tournament. Games Workshop held their second Open of the year for 167 players to come out, get games and of course, find out who had the best list.
With a repeat performance Richard Siegler managed to take the top spot again at the US Open New Orleans Warhammer 40k tournament! While the US Open Orlando had a greater attendance, only 1 player can go undefeated after 8 games. There were some changes to his list. Most notably was the switch from Forgeworld Metallica to Mars. Another common feature at the top was Brad Chester and Mark Perry with Drukhari and Orks respectively.
US Open New Orleans – 1st place Richard Siegler

Richard to a Veteran Cohort to take advantage of the Skitarii Supplement. The 19 Rangers will save 1 power level to the unit. This matters in regards to the Bionic Endurance to give the squad a 5++ ignore wounds for just 2 CP rather than 3. Splitting the army into two Patrol detachments allows for 4 planes to be taken. The Stratoraptors with Mars are very reliable and efficient shooting combined with extra durability of the Chaff Launchers. Doctrinas and Canticles will modify defense and offence as needed.
This army is surprisingly fast and can help corner an opponent with units. The Ruststalkers are not slowed by terrain and as a veteran Cohort they will have access to Advance and charge. Notice one of the Warlord traits is Eyes of the Omnisiah to re-roll advances. The Infiltrators can of course infiltrate into No Man’s Land to provide a plethora of units to keep your opponent pinned into their deployment zone.
The Command Uplink on the Fusilave will come in handy to allow units without a Data Tether to gain the benefits of various Warlord traits. As well as the ability to prevent units from benefiting from Auras.
US Open New Orleans Warhammer 40k 1st Place List:
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Adeptus Mechanicus) [55 PL, 1,057pts] ++
Army of Renown – Skitarii Veteran Cohort
Forge World Choice: Forge World: Mars
+ HQ +
Skitarii Marshal [3 PL, 45pts]: Relic (Skitarii Veteran Cohort): Cantic Thrallnet, Warlord, Warlord Trait (Skitarii Veteran Cohort): Calculate Without Diversion
Tech-Priest Manipulus [6 PL, 105pts]: Logi, Magnarail lance, Relic: Raiment of the Technomartyr
+ Troops +
Skitarii Rangers [8 PL, 195pts]: Omnispex
. Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, Host of the Intermediary, Warlord Trait (Codex 3): Programmed Retreat
. 18x Skitarii Ranger: 18x Galvanic Rifle
+ Elites +
Sicarian Ruststalkers [8 PL, 136pts]
. Ruststalker Princeps (Blades)
. 7x Sicarian Ruststalker (Blades): 7x Transonic Blades
Sicarian Ruststalkers [8 PL, 136pts]
. Ruststalker Princeps (Blades)
. 7x Sicarian Ruststalker (Blades): 7x Transonic Blades
+ Fast Attack +
Serberys Raiders [4 PL, 80pts]: Serberys Raider Alpha
. 4x Serberys Raider: 4x Cavalry Sabre, 4x Clawed Limbs, 4x Galvanic Carbine
+ Flyer +
Archaeopter Stratoraptor [9 PL, 180pts]: Chaff Launcher
Archaeopter Stratoraptor [9 PL, 180pts]: Chaff Launcher
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium – Adeptus Mechanicus) [47 PL, 5CP, 941pts]
Army of Renown – Skitarii Veteran Cohort
Forge World Choice: Forge World: Mars
Stratagem: Archeotech Specialist [-2CP]: 2x Archeotech Specialist
Stratagem: Artefactotum [-1CP]: Artefactotum
Stratagem: Host of the Intermediary [-1CP]: Host of the Intermediary
Stratagem: Mechanicus Locum [-1CP]: Mechanicus Locum
+ HQ +
Skitarii Marshal [3 PL, 45pts]: Mechanicus Locum, Relic: Exemplar’s Eternity, Warlord Trait (Codex 6): Eyes of the Omnissiah
+ Troops +
Skitarii Vanguards [2 PL, 50pts]
5x Skitarii Vanguard
Skitarii Vanguards [2 PL, 50pts]
5x Skitarii Vanguard
+ Elites +
Sicarian Infiltrators [8 PL, 136pts]
. Infiltrator Princeps (Stub/Sword)
. 7x Sicarian Infiltrator (Stub/Sword): 7x Power Sword, 7x Stubcarbine
Sicarian Ruststalkers [8 PL, 170pts]
. Ruststalker Princeps (Blades): Artefactotum, Relic: Temporcopia
. 9x Sicarian Ruststalker (Blades): 9x Transonic Blades
+ Fast Attack +
Pteraxii Sterylizors [4 PL, 95pts]: Pteraxii Sterylizor Alpha
. 4x Pteraxii Sterylizor: 4x Phosphor torch, 4x Pteraxii Talons
Serberys Raiders [4 PL, 85pts]: Enhanced Data-Tether, Serberys Raider Alpha
. 4x Serberys Raider: 4x Cavalry Sabre, 4x Clawed Limbs, 4x Galvanic Carbine
+ Flyer +
Archaeopter Fusilave [7 PL, 130pts]: Command Uplink
Archaeopter Stratoraptor [9 PL, 180pts]: Chaff Launcher
++ Total: [102 PL, 5CP, 1,998pts] ++
US Open New Orleans Warhammer 40,000 – 2nd Place Brad Chester

Drukharii continue to be a menace to the Meta with fast flying units that can get everywhere. Brad took advantage of Raiding Forces to get all of the Command Points back which lets a player afford more relics and Warlord traits. What may confuse folks is how Brad took the wracks as troops.
There is a pure Cult of Strife patrol for access to the supplement bonuses. Clearly this is a murderous list between the Incubi, Wyches and Succubuses but it’s durable with those wracks and the Court of the Archon.
Congratulations for pulling out second place with just a 2 point loss in the final game versus the Champion at the US Open New Orleans Warhammer 40k Tournament!
US Open New Orleans 2nd Place List:
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [26 PL, 12CP, 485pts] ++
Obsession: Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of Murder
+ HQ +
Succubus [4 PL, 75pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug), Dark Lotus Toxin, Precision Blows, Razorflails, Warlord
. Show Stealer (Strife): Show Stealer
+ Troops +
Hekatrix Bloodbrides [8 PL, 130pts]: 2 – Grave Lotus (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
. 8x Hekatrix Bloodbride: 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol
. Hekatrix Bloodbride w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler
Wyches [6 PL, 110pts]: 2 – Grave Lotus (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
. 8x Wych: 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol
. Wych w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler
+ Fast Attack +
Hellions [4 PL, 85pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug)
. Helliarch: Hellglaive
. 4x Hellion: 4x Hellglaive, 4x Splinter Pods
Hellions [4 PL, 85pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug)
. Helliarch: Hellglaive
. 4x Hellion: 4x Hellglaive, 4x Splinter Pods
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [35 PL, -2CP, 655pts] ++
Obsession *Custom Coven*: Dark Technomancers (All-Consuming)
Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]
+ HQ +
Succubus [3 PL, -1CP, 60pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug), Competitive Edge, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Triptych Whip
. Agoniser & Archite Glaive
+ Troops +
Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]
5x Wracks
Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]
5x Wracks
Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]
5x Wracks
+ Elites +
Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
5x Incubi
Mandrakes [3 PL, 75pts]
5x Mandrakes
+ Heavy Support +
Cronos [8 PL, 160pts]
2x Cronos: Spirit Vortex
Cronos [8 PL, 160pts]
2x Cronos: Spirit Vortex
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [51 PL, -2CP, 856pts] ++
Obsession: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]
+ No Force Org Slot +
Court of the Archon [10 PL, 136pts]
. Sslyth x4
. Ur-Ghul x4
+ HQ +
Archon [5 PL, -1CP, 85pts]: Hatred Eternal, Huskblade, Overlord, Splinter Pistol, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Djin Blade
. Splintered Genius (Black Heart): Splintered Genius
+ Troops +
Wracks [3 PL, 45pts]
5x Wracks
+ Elites +
Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
5x Incubi
Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
5x Incubi
+ Fast Attack +
Hellions [4 PL, 85pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug)
. Helliarch: Hellglaive
. 4x Hellion: 4x Hellglaive, 4x Splinter Pods
Reavers [3 PL, 60pts]: 3 – Hypex (Combat Drug)
. Arena Champion: Splinter Rifle
. 2x Reaver: 2x Bladevanes, 2x Splinter Pistol, 2x Splinter Rifle
+ Dedicated Transport +
Raider [6 PL, 95pts]: Dark Lance, Kabal
Raider [6 PL, 95pts]: Dark Lance, Kabal
Raider [6 PL, 95pts]: Dark Lance, Kabal
++ Total: [112 PL, 8CP, 1,996pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (
US Open New Orleans 3rd Place- Mark Perry Freebooterz

Orks again prove they are a force to be reckoned with especially with the Speed Waaagh. With so many fast attack units required, the Outrider detachment is a natural choice for detachments. Unlike Mani Cheema and his Speed Waaagh, Mark took advantage of the CP refund of the Patrol detachment as well the Freebooterz +1 to hit.
The Wazbom Blastajet comes equipped with very reliable damage of 3+D3 damage. This is not the only hard shooting unit with the Shokk Jump Dragstas and brutal melee punch of the Scrapjets. The Squigbuggy glow up continues to encourage players to put them in their list. However, Mark didn’t over do it as he left room for Kommandos and Burna Boyz. The Burna Boyz are interesting as they are auto hitting and can help clear chaff to trigger Freebooterz Clan Kulture
US Open New Orleans 3rd Place List:
++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Orks) [70 PL, -3CP, 1,255pts] ++
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
+ HQ +
Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field [5 PL, 85pts]
+ Elites +
Burna Boyz [3 PL, 60pts]
. 4x Burna Boy: 4x Burna, 4x Stikkbombs
. Spanner: Kustom Mega-Blasta
Kommandos [4 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw
. 4x Kommando: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
+ Fast Attack +
Megatrakk Scrapjets [10 PL, 180pts]
2x Megatrakk Scrapjet
Megatrakk Scrapjets [10 PL, 180pts]
2x Megatrakk Scrapjet
Megatrakk Scrapjets [5 PL, 90pts]
Shokkjump Dragstas [5 PL, 85pts]
Shokkjump Dragstas [5 PL, 85pts]
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob: Chopper
. 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
+ Flyer +
Wazbom Blastajet [10 PL, 190pts]: 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Stikkbomb Flinga
Wazbom Blastajet [10 PL, 190pts]: 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Stikkbomb Flinga
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Orks) [39 PL, 740pts] ++
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
+ HQ +
Deffkilla Wartrike [6 PL, 120pts]: 1. Roadkilla (Speed Freeks), Da Badskull Banner, Warlord
+ Troops +
Gretchin [2 PL, 50pts]
+ Elites +
Burna Boyz [3 PL, 60pts]
. 4x Burna Boy: 4x Burna, 4x Stikkbombs
. Spanner: Kustom Mega-Blasta
Burna Boyz [3 PL, 60pts]
. 4x Burna Boy: 4x Burna, 4x Stikkbombs
. Spanner: Kustom Mega-Blasta
+ Fast Attack +
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [15 PL, 270pts]
.3x Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [10 PL, 180pts]
2x Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
++ Total: [109 PL, -3CP, 1,995pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (
All of the Warhammer 40k Winning Lists
Our resident experts have broken down the winning lists from all Warhammer 40k Grand Tournaments. Read up on all of the latest and greatest Warhammer 40k Winning Lists here!