Getting Started With Tempestus Scions
This is your guide to start a Tempestus Scions army! Today we are taking an in-depth look at Tempestus Scions Tactics. We’ll start by covering who they are and how they play. In addition, we have provided you a 1,000 point example army list.
Who Are Tempestus Scions?

The Tempestus Scions are an elite sub-faction of the Astra Militarum. Your average Imperial guardsmen are regular humans with some very standardized training; Scions are elite soldiers. While not superhumans, like Space Marines, they are highly trained and favor a very aggressive style of play. They tend to feature mobile units that will be able to either deep strike or have access to transports. Some units are incredibly fast, such as the Valkyrie, and the very respectable Taurox Prime.
Also, Tempestus Scions have a much better stat line than the average Imperial guardsman. This shows their very intensive training in a Schola Progenium, (Grim Dark Hogwarts). Whereas your average guardsman only hits on 4’s and has poor armor. The Tempestus Scion hits on 3’s while also boasting a much better stat block.
This makes them a fantastic choice for special weapons such as plasma guns. They have some other unique weapons too, including hot-shot lasguns and hot-shot volley guns. Making them a hard-hitting army that’s only real weakness is their T3 troops.
Now, with the update from psychic awakening, you have several options of regimental doctrines. While there are plenty of very good options here we are going to go with the 55th Kappic Eagles for our army list. The reason we are choosing to go with the 55th Kappic Eagles is due to their ability to get +1 to hit rolls when they disembark a transport. In addition, they ignore “heavy” when moving and shooting. This is important for shooting Hot Shot volley guns because they otherwise suffer a to-hit penalty because of the heavy rule.
Let’s take a look at our list.
The Tempestus Scions 1,000pt List
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) [54 PL, 999pts, 4CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
Regimental Doctrine: 55th Kappic Eagles
+ Stratagems +
Specialist Detachment [-1CP]: Tempestus Drop Force
+ HQ +
- Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Tempestus Command Rod, Tempestus Drop Force
2. Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Relic (55th Kappic Eagles): Distraction Charges, Tempestus Command Rod, Tempestus Drop Force, Warlord, WT: Grand Strategist
3. Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Tempestus Command Rod, Tempestus Drop Force
+ Troops +
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 54pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
. 2x Scion
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Tempestor: Chainsword, Plasma pistol
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 54pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
. 2x Scion
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Tempestor: Chainsword, Plasma pistol
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 50pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
. 2x Scion
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Tempestor: Bolt pistol, Chainsword
+ Elites +
Militarum Tempestus Command Squad [3 PL, 80pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
. 4x Tempestus Scion: Plasma gun
Militarum Tempestus Command Squad [3 PL, 80pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
.4x Tempestus Scion: Plasma gun
Militarum Tempestus Command Squad [3 PL, 80pts]: Tempestus Drop Force
. 4x Tempestus Scion: Plasma gun
Officer of the Fleet [2 PL, 20pts]
Officer of the Fleet [2 PL, 20pts]
+ Flyer +
Valkyries [23 PL, 441pts, -3CP]: Tempestus Drop Force
. Valkyrie: 2x Multiple Rocket Pods, Advanced Counter-measures, Lascannon.
. . 2x Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter
. Valkyrie: 2x Multiple Rocket Pods, Advanced Counter-measures, Lascannon.
. . 2x Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter
. Valkyrie: 2x Multiple Rocket Pods, Advanced Counter-measures, Lascannon.
. . 2x Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter
++ Total: [54 PL, 4CP, 999pts] ++
List Breakdown

This is an important part of Tempestus Scions Tactics! Tempestus Scions only have so many units to choose from. So, we’re absolutely going to have to take the best ones. Now, to take full advantage of their Regimental Doctrines, we put everyone in a Valkyrie. This will lower our number of drops as well. Meaning we only have to deploy three units which means we have a better chance of going first. This is important because everything about this army is aggressive, and needs to do as much damage as possible.
One of the very strong parts of our army is our Tempestus Scions command squads.
We’ve gone ahead and equipped all the command squads with plasma guns for maximum damage output. With the exception of the regular Scions squads which will be rocking Hot Shot volley guns. In the first turn, the Valkyries will all move up so the Scions can Disembark into the ideal range for their guns. We’re going to get the benefit of having all our guns hit on 2’s. Suffering none of the penalties that come with firing the heavy weapons, and we can safely overcharge our plasma guns!
In addition, we’ve gone ahead and given command rods to all our Primes. This is important because it allows us to use two orders. One of which lets us reroll hit rolls of a 1 and the other one will let us reroll wound rolls against a vehicle or monster. This means that our plasma squads become exceptionally destructive. We will be hitting on 2’s rerolling 1’s with our overcharged plasma guns and re-rolling wounds against those heavy targets. Allowing us to destroy the best parts of our opponent’s army on our first turn.
The Valkyries
This works because our Tempestus Scions can disembark from the Valkyries at any point during their movement. So, we don’t have to waste a whole turn sitting there while our transports get blown out of the sky. We have the option to jump out, with some small risk, but it’s all worth it in the end. Also, Valkyries have an incredible movement value of 45” so we can drop our dudes anywhere we want.
The Valkyrie is a very respectable transport with a good stat line. Its shooting is inaccurate when it’s flying, but that’s okay. Turn one they act as a delivery system, but turn two, they can drop into a hover, and they will get bonuses to their hit rolls. We also went ahead and did the 1CP upgrade for each, so when it drops from flight mode, it still gets the “hard to hit ability”. This means we can have it stand still and hit on 3+. All while enjoying a -1 when shot at. This is immensely useful.
In addition, they help support our Tempestus Scions squads. With the use of the specialist detachment, we can spend 1CP, and immediately shoot with the Valkyrie (hitting on 4’s) if something is charging a Scions squad. Also, one of our Primes has a special relic that when used can halve our opponent’s charge roles. If you combine these two things it means that charging your Scions can be very risky for your opponent.
There you have it! We have a ton of plasma guns, which are going to be able to hit on 2’s with re-rolls. The transport vehicles are fast, durable, and can drop off Scions anywhere on the board. Plus, in later turns, they can do a lot of damage in the shooting phase. This gives you one of the most aggressive shooting armies in the entirety of Warhammer 40,000. Which makes for an absolutely devastating Alpha Strike.
Seriously, this is a great army list. Especially if you want to play something that’s very aggressive. Yet aren’t interested in melee armies like Orcs or Daemons.
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Special thanks to Games Workshop for the use of their images and for making the best game ever!