Tag: Warhammer GT

The Manchester GT Winning Lists Warhammer 40k

The Warhammer Tournament Series continues to take advantage of breaking into the “Super Major” Category with 7 rounds and a small cut off of just 4 players after round 5. This tends to leave undefeated players just outside the chance of winning the event.  The Manchester GT 1st Place

Clutch City GT Winning Lists Warhammer 40k

The results are in and we’ve got the Clutch City GT winning lists! Ninety-Five players battled it out over 6 rounds of competitive play at the Clutch City GT in Houston, Texas. While it may have seemed like every other army was Adeptus Custodes, the golden boys managed a

Merry Slaaaneshmass 2021 Warhammer 40k Winning Lists

The results are in for the Merry Slaaaneshmass 2021 Warhammer 40k are in! The Heretics of the Olympic Peninsula, held a Major in celebration of the season. Happy Wargaming was abound while keeping those pesky Green Skins out of the Top 10.  1st place Johnathan Starks – Drukhari While
socal open warhammer 40k

SoCal Open Warhammer 40k Top Winners & Lists

The SoCal Open Warhammer 40k tournament saw 9 Rounds of Warhammer fun take place this weekend. While the final round of the SoCal Open was a blowout leading to a concession, the top cut single elimination meant there was no reason to play out the game. A minimum of
socal open warhammer 40k

SoCal Open Warhammer 40k Top Winners & Lists

The SoCal Open Warhammer 40k tournament saw 9 Rounds of Warhammer fun take place this weekend. While the final round of the SoCal Open was a blowout leading to a concession, the top cut single elimination meant there was no reason to play out the game. A minimum of
Grey Knights Warhammer 40k

Crucible 9 Warhammer 40k Winning Lists

Grey Knights stood at all levels of the podium at the Crucible 9 Warhammer 40k GT. The best part of this was how all 3 list were different but not overly so.  5 Dreadknights in first place, 5 Dreadknights in 2nd place and just 4 Dreadknights in 4th place.
flames of autumn warhammer 40k

Flames of Autumn Warhammer 40K Winning Lists

The Flames of Autumn Warhammer 40k tournament had the most diverse top 3 this weekend in Maryland. Adeptus Custodes made a surprise showing but the fact that Adeptus Mechanicus, Drukhari, Orks let alone Grey Knights didn’t even make the podium is very interesting and testament to the skill and
london open october warhammer 40k

London Open October Warhammer 40k | 2021

The results for the London Open October Warhammer 40k tournament are in! As always our Warhammer experts have broken down each army and the overall strategy used to dominate this tournament for your review! London Open October Warhammer 40k- 1st Place Malik Amin Rubio – Adeptus Mechanics Malik Amin
london open october warhammer 40k

London Open October Warhammer 40k | 2021

The results for the London Open October Warhammer 40k tournament are in! As always our Warhammer experts have broken down each army and the overall strategy used to dominate this tournament for your review! London Open October Warhammer 40k- 1st Place Malik Amin Rubio – Adeptus Mechanics Malik Amin
the alliance open warhammer 40k

The Alliance Open Warhammer 40k Winning Lists

The Alliance Open held a Super Major this weekend. In this Open GT 7 rounds of fury there were over 160 Players in the Netherlands. Even with Thousand Sons and Grey Knights joining the Competitive Meta, the usual suspects are at the top. Admech, Drukhari, and perhaps the new