Tag: Warhammer 40K

Should I Buy The New Keeper Of Secrets: Nights at the Game Table.

Hello Everone! the Dak here, back from the international accordion championship to talk about one of Games Workshops new releases. Today, we are talking about the new and improved Keeper of Secrets. thats right, we are finnaly getting an updated mini! however thats not all thats changing as the

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Tau- NIghts At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Should I Buy Chaos Space Marines: Nights At The Game Table

The Dak here, back from handing out metal files at the local prison to talk about Chaos Space Marines. NO, Im not talking about the codex so much as the actual unit. Chaos Space Marines( referred to as CSM) have not seen much use in 8th edition. Which is

Should I Buy The Master Of Executions: Nights At The Game Table

Hey Everybody, the Dak here today to talk about the new master of executions. We certainly seem to be getting lots of masters of this and that with the new codex. Today I’m going to do a quick overview of the new kid on the block and see just

Should I Buy The New Havocs?: Nights At The Game Table

Hello Everbody, looks like this week it’s going to be a double dose of the Dak. Chaos is on the rise, and today we are going to be reviewing the Havoc’s new groove. So, Lets dive in shall we and take a look into the past to see how

Top Warhammer 40k Tactics: How to Win Before Turn 1- Nights At The Game Table

  Okay, so you’re standing across from someone and they just handed you their list.  You could be at a friend’s house, the local game store or maybe you’re even at your first tournament.  Either way, you’re staring at the list they handed you, trying to figure out how

Should I buy Abaddon the Despoiler- Nights At The Game Table

The Dak here, back from switching around the labels in my friend’s medicine cabinet to talk about Abaddon the despoiler. This weekend the new Abaddon mini is hitting the shelves, and chaos players everywhere are rejoicing. Not only is Abaddon getting a new mini but everyones favorite villain is

Top Warhammer 40k Tactics: How Not To Get Shot, A Guide- Nights At The Game Table

One of the least fun feelings while playing an army that relies on combat is watching your army get shot to death while feeling like there is nothing you can do to stop it.  However, with the right list design and game plan, you can overcome the range advantage

Best Warhammer 40K Chaos Lists 2019- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army


The time is nearly upon us my fellow chaos worshipers! Chaos Space Marines are up for a massive update this weekend and oh boy is it a good one! I have seen some of Vigilus Ablaze’s  content and let me tell you, its one your going to want.  There