Tag: 9th Edition

sisters of battle tactics

Sisters of Battle Tactics Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

This is your complete guide to Sisters of Battle Tactics (Adepta Sororitas tactics) for Warhammer 40k 9th Edition! If you’re into Warhammer 40k for the story or find yourself just getting started with this edition, this Sisters of Battle tactics guide will provide you with the army and lore
Space Marines Tactics

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Tactics 9th Edition

There are plenty of reasons to Play Space Marines. They get all the toys it seems. Even the ones they traditionally didn’t get like floating tanks. In Considering Space Marine Tactics, you have plenty to take in likes weapons, what units carry those weapons, stratagems and other abilities. Soon
Reposistion & Replacement effects

Replacement & Reposition Effects in 9th Edition

One of the new features in the 9th Edition is the inclusion of a rules glossary in the back of the rulebook. This glossary not only covers rule definitions but also explains rare rules that sometimes come up in your games. For example Ignores Cover and the New Terrain
Melee Necrons

How to use the new Melee Necrons

Let’s take a look at a list that breaks away from the meta, Melee Necrons. We all know “the” list where you fill out every shooty vehicle in our arsenal but this one is going to be a bit different. Today we look at a list that focuses ongoing
Dominate with Imperial Fist

3 Reasons this Tactic Dominates with Imperial Fist

Hello everyone, Devin here today to talk to you all about how to dominate with Imperial Fist on the tabletop going into 9th edition. Space Marines made it into 9th edition fairly well between the rules changes and the new points. Now is an excellent time to be getting
Dominate Deployment

How to Dominate Deployment as Ultramarines in 9th Edition

Ultramarines have one specific ability to Dominate Deployment. They are the poster boys of Warhammer but Iron Hands Bikers will also enjoy the new edition. There are 6 new matched play Eternal War Strike Force Missions. Eternal War missions are those without the Maelstrom Cards. Those are currently missing

Here’s Why Iron Hands Bikers Love Indomitus!

Oh, Iron Hands. You used to be so good, so broken. “How broken were they?” you ask. So broken Games Workshop had to convene a special snowflake council and change how Combat Doctrines worked for all Codex-compliant Space Marines, that’s how. Now we won’t go into how the 40K