The Renegade Open 2021 Warhammer 40k tournament has returned this year and allowed the New Black Templars Codex. 63 players vied for dominance. Black Templars made their first appearance at the top in the new meta and bring their own style of play.
Renegade Open 1st place Matt Root – Black Templars

There is a lot going on in this. Sure there’s the High Marshall who hits hard but he also buffs with rerolls and provides a great counter threat to armies getting close to the Dreadnoughts. Black Templar Characters can force melee attacks to be directed at them so that they can save key units that then slap back themselves. This can be done particularly well by the Bike Chaplain with the relic T Bones due to the damage of attacks being reduced to 1.
Two Chaplains help with the Black Templar unique secondary for taking objectives with them. The prayer loadout here is aimed at buffing squads. Of course with mini relics the squads themselves can be rather tough. Take for instance the Blade guard here that ignores AP-1 and AP -2. Even the few that do go down thanks to Apothecary they can be brought right back. Especially the model that happens to be carrying the mini relic.
This was a great list run by one of the great players. Well done and Congratulations on first place at the Renegade Open 2021 Warhammer 40k Tournament!
Renegade Open 1st Place Winning List
++Black Templars Battalion Detachment ++
+ Stratagems +
Revered Repositories
Relics of the Chapter 2x Number of Extra Relics
+ HQ +
High Marshal Helbrecht
Primaris Chaplain on Bike w/ 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 4. Fires of Devotion, Ancient Breviary, Master of Sanctity,
Primaris Chaplain on Bike w/ 3. Exhortation of Rage, Rites of War, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter for Rights of War, Tannhauser’s Bones
+ Troops +
Assault Intercessor Squad x5 w/ the Fist of Balthus
Crusader Squad x5 w/ Boltguns & 1x Chainsword
Crusader Squad x5 w/ Boltguns & 1x Chainsword
+ Elites +
Bladeguard Veteran Squad x6 w/ Icon of Heinmann & Sword of Judgement
Primaris Apothecary w/ Chief Apothecary, Frag & Krak grenades, Reductor Pistol, Selfless Healer, The Crusader’s Helm, Warlord
Redemptor Dreadnought w/ 2x Fragstorm, Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought w/ 2x Fragstorm, Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought w/ 2x Fragstorm, Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon,
Terminator Assault Squad x7 w/ The Crux Obsidian Hammers & Shields Champion of the Feast
+ Fast Attack +
Attack Bike Squad w/ Holy Orb, & Multi-melta
Created with BattleScribe (
Renegade Open 2nd Place Charlie Anders- Grey Knights

Grey Knights weren’t touched this round of nerfs from the Balance Update. Fortunately, Charlie managed to avoid Hive Guard Castles. In his run to the top, he was tripped up by the Champion Matt Rott’s Black Templars.
The list has plenty of small units to purify objectives and run around getting points. If they find they’re a bit too slow for that, that’s what Gate of Infinity is for. Like other successful Grey Knight list 5 Dread Knights continue to be a bane across the battlefields of the 40k.
Great job sticking out and pulling out second place in the Renegade Open 2021 Warhammer 40k tournament!
Renegade Open 2nd Place Winning List
++ Prescient Brethren Patrol Detachment 0CP ++
+ HQ +
Brotherhood Techmarine w/ 1: Gate of Infinity, Boltgun, Omnissian Power Axe
Servo Arms
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight, Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, Teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Servant of the Throne, Sigil of Exigence, Warlord, Exemplar of the Silver Host w/ Unyielding Anvil & Hammer of Righteousness
+ Troops +
Strike Squad x5 w/ Halberds
Strike Squad x5 w/ Halberds
+ Fast Attack +
Interceptor Squad x10 w/ Halberds
Interceptor Squad x10 w/ Halberds
++ Swordbearers Grey Knights Spearhead Detachment ++
+ Stratagems +
Armoury of Titan [-1CP]: 1 Additional Relic
+ HQ +
Brotherhood Techmarine w/ Warp Shaping, Aetheric Conduit, Boltgun, Foretelling of Locus, Omnissian Power Axe
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [10 PL, 210pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Daemon Greathammer
+ Troops +
Strike Squad x5 w/ Swords
+ Heavy Support +
Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
Renegade Open 3rd place Oliver Smith – White Scars

You don’t need troops as objective secured units if your opponent doesn’t have any models. However, just in case Right of War can be used to give out a little Objective Secured. Using it on a White Scars bike captain keeps the unit very fast to bring an objective secured aura where it’s needed. As it stands this army is very efficient and is further buffed with Chapter Master Rerolls. Chainfist on the Dreadnoughts are a great option for when fighting Dreadknights as they are Flat Damage 6 versus vehicles, potentially 7 in the White Scars super doctrine.
Furthermore, there are plenty of Multi-meltas for other hard targets and Grav-cannons galore to deal with Marines like Interceptors. Considering the heavy weapons can be made into Assault weapons. So a Devastator Squad can drop down and shoot without penalty while one model will shoot twice hitting on a 2+. If they’re near enough to the Chapter Master that is a lot of ranged murder.
Congratulations and well done for making the Podium.
Renegade Open 3rd Place Winning List
++ White Scars Vanguard Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Captain on Bike [8 PL, 140pts]: 2x Astartes Chainsword, Chapter Master, Plume of the Plainsrunner, Rites of War, Warlord
+ Elites +
Company Veterans x2 w/ 4x Chainswords
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x Twin volkite culverin
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought w/ plasma blaster, chainfist, Twin volkite culverin
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought w/ plasma blaster, chainfist, Twin volkite culverin
Vanguard Veteran Squad x10 w/ Jump Packs, 10x Storm shields, 7x Claws, 3x Hammers
Vanguard Veteran Squad x10 w/ Jump Packs, 10x Storm shields 9x Claws, & 1 Chainsword
+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad w/ 3x Grav-Cannons, Multi-melta, Armorium Cherub, Chainsword
Devastator Squad w/ Multi-melta x3, Grav Cannon, Armorium Cherub, 2x chainswords
+ Dedicated Transport +
Drop Pod w/ Deathwind launcher
Land Speeder Storm
Land Speeder Storm
Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter
++White Scars Auxiliary Heavy Support Detachment -2CP ++
Devastator Squad w/ 3x Multi-melta, 1x Grav-Cannon, Armorium Cherub, Chainsword
++ Total: [101 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++
Final Thoughts on Renegade Open
As always you can find all past Winning Lists here.
Have you used any similar lists recently to the winners found here?
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