Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster- Space Marines vs The Hivemind Live Stream- June 25


Hello lads and lassies, it’s been a hot minute since I last played the patent pending Ultrashame list, as I’ve been on a mission tp refine my GSC as best I can. This time I figured I’d bring it back though since BAO Top 8er Jack Harpster wanted to try his hand at GSC.
Tomorrow at 4pm EST we’ll be live streaming on Nights PRO where you can watch live or on replay along with hundreds of hours of other content.
Here are the lists we will be using.

Nick Nanavati Jack Harpster
Ultramine Battalion- Indomitus Crusaders Twisted Helix Battalion- annointed throng
Chronus (in whirlwind) 30 Primus 75
Librarian- storm bolter 98 Magus- familiar 92
9 Intercessors 162 10 Broodbrothers 40
5 Scouts 55 10 Broodbrothers 40
5 Scouts 55 10 Broodbrothers 40
Company Anicient- storm bolter 65 10 Aberants- 8 picks, 2 stop signs 252
3 Supressors 105 10 Aberants- 8 picks, 2 stop signs 252
3 Supressors 105
3 Supressors 105 4AE Battalion- Broodsurge Deliverance
Relic Scorpius Whirlind 210 Patriarch 125
Whirlwind- castellan missiles 85 Primus 75
15 Acolytes- 4 saws, banner 155
Assassins 14 Acolytes- banner 108
Eversor 85 10 Broodbrothers 40
Eversor 85 Nexos 50
Eversor 85 Kelermorph 60
Soupreme Command Kraken Battalion
Emporers Champion 75 Broodlord 115
Dark Angel Librarian 96 Neurothrope 90
Space Wolf Rune priest 98 3 Rippers 33
Bobby G 400 3 Rippers 33
3 Rippers 33
6 Hive Guard 288

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