The Iron Halo Con was a well attended major event this weekend. 102 players brought their A game to Iron Halo to close out the Lord Marshall Conference. Nearly 10% of the Iron Halo field was Grey Knights and after 6 rounds they would take top spot.
But as reported the new Greener normal was on display as Orks pulled out a second and third place. Now, on to the results and the winning lists of Iron Halo Con!

The Iron Halo Con 1st place Ben Cherwien- Grey Knights

What’s better than a Dread Knight? All the Dreadknights obviously. But 5 is the most one can reasonably take with the detachment limit of one Grand master dread per detachment. Of course if your committing the resources to the dreads you may as well include the means to repair them. Ben Did that with two Techmarines, one in each detachment.
Why this list wins can be several ways. First are the GreyKnight secondaries. Purifying objectives is an easy 15 points if your opponent doesn’t have psychic defense. Or teleport assault as these dreads want to get stuck in and get to chopping with the Nemesis Greatsword. The secondary to the last works well as an option when the large Interceptors can be split in half. Plus the Techmarines can repair the more expensive Dreadknight.
You can’t ignore this army as Vanguard Aggression allows for a core unit to move along with the Dread Knight with this warlord Trait. Furthermore, the Unyielding Anvil is Double Objective secured to make up for what would be a low model count army. (Double Objective Secured is where objective secured models count as 2 models instead of one. Otherwise, non objective secured models gain objective secured.) All in all a great list and deserving to win the Final Iron Halo.
+++ We gotta go! (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [106 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] +++
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [40 PL, 795pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Brotherhood: Swordbearers
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ [16 PL, 315pts] +
Brotherhood Techmarine [5 PL, 80pts]: 5: Warp Shaping, Boltgun, Omnissian Power Axe
. Servo Arms
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [11 PL, 235pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, 3: Unyielding Anvil, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts], Servant of the Throne [1 PL, 20pts], Sigil of Exigence, Warlord
+ Troops [6 PL, 110pts] +
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Grey Knight (Halberd) [88pts]: 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
. Grey Knight Justicar [22pts]
. . Nemesis Force Halberd
+ Heavy Support [18 PL, 370pts] +
Nemesis Dreadknight [9 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
Nemesis Dreadknight [9 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [66 PL, 1,205pts, 9CP] ++
+ Configuration [10CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Brotherhood: Blades of Victory
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
+ HQ [17 PL, 320pts, -1CP] +
Brotherhood Techmarine [5 PL, 80pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, Boltgun, Omnissian Power Axe
. Servo Arms
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [12 PL, 240pts, -1CP]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Foretelling of Locus [2 PL, 30pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Daemon Greathammer [10pts], Shield of Humanity [-1CP], Vanguard Aggression
+ Troops [12 PL, 220pts] +
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Grey Knight (Halberd) [88pts]: 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
. Grey Knight Justicar [22pts]
. . Nemesis Force Halberd
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Grey Knight (Halberd) [88pts]: 4x Nemesis Force Halberd, 4x Storm Bolter
. Grey Knight Justicar [22pts]
. . Nemesis Force Halberd
+ Fast Attack [28 PL, 480pts] +
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts]
. 9x Interceptor (Halberd) [216pts]: 9x Nemesis Force Halberd, 9x Storm Bolter
. Interceptor Justicar [24pts]
. . Nemesis Force Halberd
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts]
. 9x Interceptor (Halberd) [216pts]: 9x Nemesis Force Halberd, 9x Storm Bolter
. Interceptor Justicar [24pts]
. . Nemesis Force Halberd
+ Heavy Support [9 PL, 185pts] +
Nemesis Dreadknight [9 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
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The Iron Halo Con 2nd place – Colin McDade

Orks never lose. In this case Colin managed to go undefeated but struggled to get points in a few games. This caused him to play down rounds 5 and 6 but as pairings were randomized for the previous 4 rounds this wasn’t the case for those rounds.
Conversions were being limited to model and kits released so no Squigasuars just yet were used but this list focused on the Freebooterz for the +1 to hit just like the third place list in last weeks Aliance Open which we covered.
One patrol is used to save command points over more specialized detachments due to the Warlord refund. Furthermore 2 detachments are required to take 3-4 planes. In this case 3 Dakka Jets and 1 Wazbom Blastajet. The extra CP saved can be used to place the planes in strategic reserve to prevent them from just being shot off the table turn 1. At power level 34 for all 4 planes, 4 command points would be required to do that. Fortunately planes placed into strategic reserves Deepstrike anywhere onto the board 9” away from enemy models. Easily getting into range with the Wazbom’s mega blastas that brings consistent damage of D3+3.
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Orks 2021) [41 PL, 675pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ [7 PL, 135pts] +
Deffkilla Wartrike [7 PL, 135pts]: 1. Roadkilla (Speed Freeks), Da Badskull Banner, Killa Jet, Shokka Hull [1 PL, 15pts], Snagga Klaw, 3x Twin Boomstick, Warlord
+ Troops [2 PL, 50pts] +
Gretchin [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Gretchin [50pts]: 10x Grot Blaster
+ Elites [4 PL, 50pts] +
Kommandos [4 PL, 50pts]
. Boss Nob [10pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Kommando [40pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
+ Fast Attack [6 PL, 110pts] +
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob [11pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Stormboy [44pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob [11pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Stormboy [44pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
+ Heavy Support [6 PL, 90pts] +
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
+ Flyer [16 PL, 240pts] +
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Orks 2021) [74 PL, 1,325pts, 7CP] ++
+ Configuration [9CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]
+ HQ [6 PL, 115pts, -2CP] +
Warboss on Warbike [6 PL, 115pts, -2CP]: 4. Brutal but Kunnin, Da Killa Klaw, 2x Dakkagun, Power Klaw, Stratagem: Big Boss [-1CP], Stratagem: Extra Gubbinz [-1CP]
+ Fast Attack [47 PL, 835pts] +
Megatrakk Scrapjets [15 PL, 270pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
Megatrakk Scrapjets [5 PL, 90pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
Megatrakk Scrapjets [5 PL, 90pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [10 PL, 180pts]
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [7 PL, 115pts]: Nitro Squigs [2 PL, 25pts]
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [5 PL, 90pts]
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
+ Heavy Support [3 PL, 45pts] +
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
+ Flyer [18 PL, 330pts] +
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
Wazbom Blastajet [10 PL, 210pts]: 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas [20pts], Blastajet Force Field [20pts], Smasha Gun
++ Total: [115 PL, 2,000pts, 7CP] ++
The Iron Halo Con: Dan Sammons 3rd place – Orks

Even with Orks do lose they just come back to fight again. In a very similar list to what Colin McDade ran, Dan was knocked out of the running for first or second place when he came into contact with Tim Royers Imperium list. The problem that Dan ran into was a Castellan Knight with Cawl’s Wrath Relic and Ion Bulwark. At toughness 8 and a 4++ invulnerable the Knight wasn’t going to be easy to take down. Furthermore, the Castellan has the firepower to clear buggies. Tough to deal with during the Battlelines mission when there were just 4 objectives.
Unlike Colin McDade, Dan went with the Burna Bommer as his 4th plane of choice. The Burna bomb can be dropped to hit a large area with potential mortal wounds. Great for clearing bunched up single wound models such as Skitarii blobs. Another difference, was the choice of Warlord trait. -1 to be wounded should help keep the warlord around. Clearly a great list that can rake in the points as he was over 30 points ahead of the next 5-1 player.
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Orks 2021) [57 PL, 12CP, 1,030pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ [6 PL, 120pts] +
Deffkilla Wartrike [6 PL, 120pts]: 3. ‘Ard as Nails, Da Badskull Banner, Killa Jet, Snagga Klaw, 3x Twin Boomstick, Warlord
+ Troops [2 PL, 50pts] +
Gretchin [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Gretchin [50pts]: 10x Grot Blaster
+ Elites [8 PL, 140pts] +
Kommandos [4 PL, 50pts]
. Boss Nob [10pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Kommando [40pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Tankbustas [4 PL, 90pts]: Bomb Squig [5pts]
. Boss Nob [17pts]: Rokkit Launcha
. 4x Tankbusta [68pts]: 4x Rokkit Launcha
+ Fast Attack [20 PL, 360pts] +
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [10 PL, 180pts]
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies [10 PL, 180pts]
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
. Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [5 PL, 90pts]: Heavy Squig Launcha, Saw Blades, Sawn-off Shotgun, Squig Launcha, Squig Mine, Stikkbombs
+ Heavy Support [6 PL, 90pts] +
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
+ Flyer [15 PL, 270pts] +
Burna-bommer [7 PL, 150pts]: 2x Burna Bomb, Skorcha Missiles [15pts], 2x Supa Shoota, Twin Big Shoota
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Orks 2021) [57 PL, -3CP, 970pts] ++
+ Configuration [-3CP] +
Clan Kultur: Freebooterz
Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]
+ HQ [5 PL, 85pts] +
Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field [5 PL, 85pts]: Choppa, Kustom Force Field, Slugga, Stikkbombs
+ Fast Attack [33 PL, 600pts] +
Megatrakk Scrapjets [15 PL, 270pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
Megatrakk Scrapjets [5 PL, 90pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet [5 PL, 90pts]: Nose Drill, Rokkit Cannon, 2x Twin Big Shoota, Wing Missiles
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob [11pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Stormboy [44pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob [11pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Stormboy [44pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Stormboyz [3 PL, 55pts]
. Boss Nob [11pts]: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
. 4x Stormboy [44pts]: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga, 4x Stikkbombs
Warbikers [4 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob [25pts]: 2x Dakkagun
. 2x Warbiker [50pts]: 4x Dakkagun
+ Heavy Support [3 PL, 45pts] +
Mek Gunz [3 PL, 45pts]
. Mek Gun [3 PL, 45pts]: Kustom Mega Kannon
+ Flyer [16 PL, 240pts] +
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
Dakkajet [8 PL, 120pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota [20pts], 4x Supa Shoota
++ Total: [114 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++
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For a complete list of all of the Warhammer Winning Lists from all over the world click here!