Category: Warhammer

Bringing Marines to a Charity RTT

Hey guys, tomorrow I’ll be heading to a charity RTT for a good friend of mine Chad Layton. Chad had an accident at the NOVA OPEN and broke 3 of his ribs. 40k is a high contact sport as we all know, so its quite understandable. Chad was unable

Nights Masters: Maugan Ra Craftworlds Soup Vs. Wyverns Imperial Soup Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

  Will’s List ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium – Blood Angels) [33 PL, 555pts] ++ + HQ + Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack, Storm shield, Thunder hammer Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack, Storm shield, Thunder hammer Librarian Dreadnought [9 PL, 142pts]: Furioso fist, Storm bolter + Troops

Sneak Peek Psychic Awakening: Drazhar, Master of Blades

Well we’ve had quite the wait to see who Jain Zar’s foe would be from the picture shown a couple weeks ago. But the wait is over its Drazhar, the Master of Blades and potential founder of the Incubi. Let’s take a look…   Drazhar’s Stats and Abilities  

What The Marvel / Games Workshop Team Up Could Mean

Marvel Comics and Warhammer are teaming up and we’ve got Alex here to speculate on some cool things that could happen because of it.

Everything We Know About the Marvel / Games Workshop Team Up

That’s right you read the title right. Games Workshop is teaming up with Marvel to make Warhammer comics. We should be expecting these in autumn 2020.   Marvel comics is responsible for a large number of properties. Such as the Avengers, Spider-Man, and X-Men. They also have recently branched

Nick Nanavati vs Jim Stanley Live Stream Marine vs Eldar

Hey guys, next Monday September 30 at 1pm EST I’ll be live streaming a game with my personal mix of White Scars and Iron Hands against Eldar! Jim’s been rocking different versions of mech Eldar for a few months now and he’s become quite potent with them, so this

Black is the New Black- A Competitive Guide to Iron Hands

Hey everybody, Nick Nanavati here to chat with you about everyone’s favorite flavor of the month: Iron Hands (IH). If you’ve been following the Internet lately you’ll see basically everyone is losing their minds over new IH, and admittedly with good reason. In a lot of ways they do

Kingslayer: Shrike Raven Guard Vs. Whirlwind Iron Hands Warhammer 40K Battle Report- Nights At The Game Table

Today’s Batrep is a very special one! Its Iron Hands vs. Raven guard, and both of these armies are using their new supplements! Who will come out on top? Well lets take a look at what each of them is bringing to the table. Alex’s List Alex is fielding

Sneak Peek Psychic Awakening: Phoenix Lord Jain Zar

Teased last week for the Psychic Awakening update were two legendary duelists facing off. The first of the two is finally here. Let’s take a look!   Jain Zar   That’s right Jain Zar, Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees. This new model is incredible. The flowing Eldar banners

Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Live stream- Space Marines vs Space Marines

Hey guys, tomorrow at 4:30pm EST I’ll be playing against Jack Harpster and his Space Marines. Jack and I have been evolving our competitive marine list a lot over the past few weeks, and we’re still in fairly different places. I’m working on mixed marines at the moment, whereas