The Adepticon 2022 Winning Lists are in! Meet the new Boss. Same as the old Boss. Close enough anyways. 256 Players descended on Adepticon but Zach Point was able to laugh off the competition after 8 rounds of battle taking the last laugh.
The ultimate Joke was how after round 7, only Harlequins could win in the mirror match final. Unlike the Free State GT (major) the Aeldari players with single Patrols of Light Harlequins decided to go all in with whole armies of just Light Harlequins. This allows for Harlequin Secondaries for more opportunities to max points.
Of course regular secondaries are more than sufficient as Voidweavers Mirage Launchers prevent rerolls to hit on top of the light ability to simply not be hit on an modified roll of 1,2,and 3. With only a single psyker, psychic secondaries come with some risk but Aeldari can do a psychic action and still cast a power via a stratagem.
Great when you need to mortal wound a unit out of combat with your Voidweavers as they lack the innate Fall Back and shoot of the rest of the Harlequins.
Adepticon 1st Place Zach Point – Harlequins

Congratulations to Zach Point fending off veterans of the Podium for a first place finish after 8 rounds in just 2 days. Zach added mortal wound defense with the Laughing God’s eye. The Flexibility of the Embrace and Kiss weapons allows access to two stratagems. While the same unit can’t use both stratagems at the same time there are plenty of units in this army that can be stuck in. Oblivion’s Caress granted by the Embrace weapons will blast through an opponents’ Harlequins. The other stratagem, Kiss of Death, should allow for plenty of mortal wounds to cut down another squads of Harlequins as well.
Clearly a great piloting of the list and the right composition to get through at least 3 other Harlequin Players and one Tau player.
Adepticon 2022 Winning List
+ Light Harlequins Battalion Detachment +
+ Stratagems +
Treasures of the Aeldari x2
+ HQ +
Shadowseer w/ Mirror of Minds, Webway Dance, Mirror Architect, Shadow Stone
Troupe Master Fusion Pistol, Cegorach’s Rose, Favoured of the Laughing God, Warlord A Foot in the Future, Player of the Light
+ Troops +
Troupe x5 w/ Blade & 5x Shuriken
Troupe x5 w/ Blade & 5x Shuriken
Troupe x6 w/ 4x Blades, 1 Embrace, Kiss & 5x Shuriken
Troupe x6 w/ 4x Blades, 1 Embrace, Kiss & 5x Shuriken
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1 Kiss, & 3x Shuriken, 2x Fusion
Troupe x5 w/ 5x Blades, 2x Fusion, 2x Neuro Disruptor, 1 Shuriken
+ Elites +
Death Jester Harvester of Torment, The Laughing God’s Eye, Champion of the Aeldari for Favour of Cegorach
+ Heavy Support +
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
+ Dedicated Transport +
++ Total: [103 PL, 8CP, 1,996pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (
Adepticon 2nd place Matt Roberson – Harlequins

Matt Robertson Brought Light Harlequins and fought to the bitter end losing only to other Light Harlequins. There are a few key units here such as Void Weavers for the To The last. If it gets a little close to killing the unit, they can just be put into Strategic Reserve to find somewhere else to be.
Matt also made great use of stacking buffs. For Example, the Death Jester has the warlord trait Favour of Cegorach to count one of his 3 shots as a 6 which in turn counts for 3 additional hits. Pretty good for a sniper but this can also lay waste to a squad as each model killed counts as 2 for the Morale phase. Which Harlequins can prevent the Insane Bravery Stratagem from even being used.
Great Job Matt holding down until the very end.
Adepticon 2022 2nd Place List
++ Light Harlequins Batallion Detachment ++
Favoured of the laughing god, Champion of the Aeldari, Treasures of the Aeldari
TroupeMaster w/ Cegorach’s Rose, foot in future, player of light
Shadowseer, shadow stone, mirror architect, webway dance, mirror of minds
+Elites +
Death Jester w/ Harvester of Torments, favour of cegorach,
Solitaire w/ prince of sins
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1x Harlequins kiss, 5x Shuriken
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1x Harlequins kiss, 5x Shuriken
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1x Harlequins kiss, 3x Shuriken, 2x Fusion
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1x Harlequins kiss, 3x Shuriken, 2x Fusion
Troupe x5 w/ 4x Blades, 1x Harlequins kiss, 3x Shuriken, 2x Fusion
+Heavy Support +
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic cannon
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic cannon
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic cannon
+Dedicated Transports+
Adepticon 3rd place Thomas Ogden T’au

Tau had a good run only recently replaced by Asuryani and Harlequins. However, Thomas held off both of those and other T’au until round 7. Sure it may be hard to hit Light Harlequins but the sheer volume of dice that Thomas can lay down can get past that. Especially as Marker Lights can reduce the effectiveness of the negative to hit modifiers that Mirage Launchers of void weavers give out.
This list takes advantage of the indirect fire of T’au, The lack of indirect fire from other armies such as Harlequins, the re-rolls to hit on non Voidweavers, and Bodyguard from the Crisis Bodyguards.
Adepticon 2022 3rd Place Winning List
++T’au Sept Patrol Detachment ++
+ HQ +
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit w/ Burst Cannon, DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon, High-output Burst Cannon, Onager Gauntlet, Shield Generator & Promising Pupil for Precision of the Hunter
+ Troops +
Kroot Carnivores x10
+ Elites +
Crisis Battlesuits x5 each w/ 2x Plasma, Fusion, Velocity Tracker & 1 Marker Drone, 2x Shield Drones
Crisis Battlesuits x5 each w/ 2x Plasma Rifles, Ion, Velocity Tracker & 2x Shield Drones, 1 Marker Drone
+ Heavy Support +
Broadside Battlesuits x3 Each w/ Heavy Rail, Twin Smart Missiles, Velocity Tracker & 2x Shield Drones, 1 Marker Drone.
++T’au Sept Patrol Detachment ++
+ Stratagems +
: Emergency Dispensation: Additional Relics
+ HQ +
Commander in Crisis Battlesuit w/ 2x Frag Projector, Plasma, Thermoneutronic Flamer, Advanced EM Scrambler, Promising Pupil for Exemplar of the Mont’ka
+ Troops +
Kroot Carnivores x10
+ Elites +
Crisis Battlesuits x4 ech with 2x Burst Cannons, Cyclic Ion, Velocity Tracker & 1 Marker drone, 1 Shield Drone
Crisis Bodyguards x5 each with 2x Frag Projectors & Target Lock
++ T’au Sept Supreme Command Detachment ++
Commander Shadowsun
Overall a great event of gaming, plenty of players and clear proof that the meta has moved on. That’s not to say the Harlequins are unstoppable as Tyranids on the Manchester GT.