Day: August 11, 2018

Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Nova Invitational Prep Live Stream

Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile since we’ve had a battle report, so I’ve decided to start back up again with a bang! Today at 2pm EST I’ll be playing against my friend Jack and his boogeyman list: Knights/IG/Marines!  I’ll be using a list I’m considering for the

Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Hersey Now Out For Pre-Order!

This week’s pre-release from Games Workshop brings us a massive collection of Adeptus Titanicus! This crowd favorite is reloading its arsenals with more fire power and expanding its army with more gigantic robots! Adeptus Titanicus The Horus Heresy is the name of the game – literally. A tabletop game