Games Workshop just revealed a new game coming to the Warhammer 40k universe. It’s Aernautica Imperialis and it’s designed by the team who did Adeptus Titanicus. So that means instead of a squadron of massive planes on the table. You’re playing with scaled down versions of your chosen factions planes.
The planes are also on hex bases, which works with the play mats for the games. Which allow for more regimented movement of planes. The movement appears to be in a similar vein to Star Wars X-wing. With a grouping of preset movements each plane can make.

The game also appears to only need a few models to play. And the size of the mat looks like it will be usuable on a smaller space thaqn a traditional 40k game.
Boxed set
With the release of Aeronautica Imperialis there will be a boxed set containing Thunderbolts and Dakkajets. These models look really detailed despite their size. The detail on each one looks great. Plus, this isn’t just a one time box set, there will be ongoing support and expansions going forward.

In Conclusion
Aeronautica Imperialis looks to be a great expansion to ways we can be in the Warhammer 40k universe. Offering a unique way to play and enjoy all the universe has to offer. Best of all it will be coming out sometime this Autumn!
As always, A big thanks to Games Workshop for the images provided for this article.
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