The Warhammer Tournament Series continues to take advantage of breaking into the “Super Major” Category with 7 rounds and a small cut off of just 4 players after round 5. This tends to leave undefeated players just outside the chance of winning the event.
The Manchester GT 1st Place Innes Wilson – Tyranids

Job Well Done to Innes Wilson crushing the competition with the Crusher Stampede Tyranid list. Voidweavers lack the ability to fallback and shoot for free. This encourages players to tag several units at once so only one unit is eligible for the stratagem. Fortunately for this list the Dimachaeron and Harpies can make those first turn charges into those units. The Dimachaeron uses a little help from the Swarmlord to accomplish this.
One weakness of the Harlequins is limited mortal wound protection. Lacking the Relic for a 5+++ to ignore mortal wounds, they would have to rely on the Psychic power which is only a 6+++ to ignore them. Using the Breaking Through Stratagem up to 6 mortal wounds can easily be done on the Charge to a Voidweaver squadron. Then Thunderous Impact to increase the wound and Damage roll should finish punching through the squadron. The bonus to hit is largely wasted on Light Harlequins.
This is a very offensive list with big bugs for some melee punches and the Hive Tyrants to shoot down units that have scattered about. Possibly one of the greatest things about this list is the lack of Kill Secondaries you have against this list. If you want to max, you’ll need to kill the big bugs.
Again, well done and congratulations.
The Manchester GT Winning Lists #1
+Leviathan Crusher Stampede Battalion +
+HQ +
The Swarmlord w/ Onslaught, Catalyst
Hive Tyrant w/ Wings, 2x Twin Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms, Monstrous
Boneswords (Murderous Size), Synaptic Hive Blades, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Psyker – Aggressive Surge, Synaptic Barrier, Warlord Rampaging Beast, Strategic Adaptation
Hive Tyrant w/ Wings, 2x Twin Devourer w/ Brainleech Worms, Monstrous Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Paroxysm, Catalyst, Biomorphic Carapace
+Troops +
Warrior x3 w/ 6x Scything Talon
Warrior x3 w/ 4x Scything Talon, 2x Lash Whips and Boneswords, Bioweapon Bond
Warrior x3 w/ 4x Scything Talon, 2x Lash Whips and Boneswords, Bioweapon Bond
+Elites +
Hive Guard x6 w/ Impaler Cannon
+Fast Attack +
Ravener x3 w/ 3x Deathspitter
+Heavy Support+
The Manchester GT 2nd Place Alex Harrison – Asuryani (& Light Harlequins)

While Alex has been a known cheater, time has passed and people can change. His list gets around the legal limitation of who can buy the bonus relic(s) for Asuryani and Harlequins by giving the “free” relic to a Harlequin Character. The Harlequin character would not be eligible to buy a relic as the Warlord comes from the Asuryani detachment in this list. The Bonus Warlord trait stratagem requires an Asuryani or Harlequin Warlord to give out a bonus trait to an Asuryani or Harlequin character but does not specify that both the Warlord and Characters have to be the same. That is either Asuryani or Harlequin.
The choose your own adventure route of Hail of Doom and Webway Warriors allows for efficient shooting of the Dire Avengers. Hit rolls of a 6 auto wound on a 6 and count as a 6 to wound for the shuriken. However, when arriving from reinforcements, the first time, those same 6s to hit will also generate another hit but this one does not count as a 6 to wound and must be rolled for normally. This stacks with the Bladestorm Stratagem for an additional hit on a 6. Of course more auto wounds and bonus hits can be fished for by guiding the shooting unit. Extra AP from the shuriken can be had versus a doomed target as they can be re-rolled to wound against. If all that wasn’t enough, just shoot again with the Dire Avengers. That’s a lot of Dakka.
The list is backed up by the Light Harlequins for punch and durability as well as Baharoth for fast Objective Secured.
The Manchester GT 2nd Place Winning List
+ Hail of Doom & Webway Warriors Patrol Detachment +
+HQ +
Farseer Skyrunner w/ Kurnous’ Bow, Smite, Doom & Guide, Warlord w/ Mark of the Incomparable Hunter
+No Force Organization slots required+
Warlocks x2 w/ Smite & Jinx/Protect
+Troops +
Rangers x5
+Elites +
Dire Avengers x10 w/ 11x Avenger Shuriken
Dire Avengers x10 w/ 11x Avenger Shuriken
+Fast Attack +
Guardian Jetbikes x5 w/ 5x Scatter Lasers
Guardian Jetbikes x5 w/ 4x Scatter Lasers, 1x Shuriken Cannon
+Heavy Support+
+ Light Harlequin Patrol Detachment +
+HQ +
Troupe Master w/ Cegorach’s Rose, Veiled King, A Foot in the Future
+Elite +
Death Jester w/ Harvester of Torment, Favour of Cegorach
+Troops +
Troupe x5 w/ Blades & Shuriken
+Heavy Support+
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
+Dedicated Transports+
The Manchester GT 3rd place Andy Oakam – Harlequins

Congratulations to Andy Oakam. He and other Light Harlequins came out of the woodwork this weekend across the world. While all the lists look very similar, There are very few options for a pure Harlequins army. Andy took advantage of the mixed weapons in units for greater stratagem access, Mortal wound protection from the Laughing Eye relic, and Hard to crack Void Weavers. Clearly a tough list to beat as it took Alex Harrison’s Asuryani/Harlequin Mix to knock him off.
Another thing common to winning Harlequin list is the lack of Skyweaver bikes. They were a former staple of the army but are missing from the pure Harlequin list now.
Either way great job and congratulations.
The Manchester GT 3rd Place Winning List
++ Light Harlequins Battalion Detachment ++
+ Stratagems +
2x Treasures of the Aeldari
+ HQ +
Shadowseer Mirror of Minds, Webway Dance, Mirror Architect, Shadow Stone
Troupe Master w/ Cegorach’s Rose, Veiled King, Warlord Player of the Light, A Foot in the Future
+ Troops +
Troupe x5 w/ 2x Blades, Embrace, Caress, Kiss, 2x Fusion, 2x Shuriken, Neuro
Troupe x5 w/ 2x Blades, Embrace, Caress, Kiss, 2x Fusion, 2x Shuriken, Neuro
Troupe x5 w/ 2x Blades, Embrace, Caress, Kiss, 2x Fusion, 2x Shuriken, Neuro
Troupe x5 w/ 2x Blades, Embrace, Caress, Kiss, 2x Fusion, 3x Shuriken,
Troupe x5 w/ Blades & Shuriken
+ Elites +
Death Jester w/Harvester of Torment, Favour of Cegorach, The Laughing God’s Eye
Solitaire w/ Prince of Sins
+ Heavy Support +
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
+ Dedicated Transport +
A great weekend for a Super Major and Congratulations to all the winners. Clearly, going forward everyone needs a plan for dealing with Voidweavers. The problem being that the tools to deal with Murder Clowns are the exact opposite of what you need when dealing with the Crusher Stampeede. Your perfectly optimized content goes here!