Tag: tournament

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Chaos 2019 updated- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Aeldari: Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Should I Buy A Knight Castellan: Nights At The Game Table

What? You thought these articles were just for new releases? Nope, these articles encompass the entirety of the 40k range! Today i’m going to be talking about the boogeyman of the ITC, the Knight Castellan. So, the big bad of 40k has received a bonk on the head with

Best Warhammer 40K Lists- Tau- NIghts At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Top Warhammer 40k Tactics: How to Win Before Turn 1- Nights At The Game Table

  Okay, so you’re standing across from someone and they just handed you their list.  You could be at a friend’s house, the local game store or maybe you’re even at your first tournament.  Either way, you’re staring at the list they handed you, trying to figure out how

Best Warhammer 40K Chaos Lists 2019- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going over everything from who played the army

Best Warhammer 40K Genestealer Cult Lists 2019- Nights At The Game Table

    Welcome to Nights At The Game Table’s newest periodical, Top Warhammer 40K Lists, where we take a look at three lists for a given faction and break down what makes them tick and how they fared. Every entry will be pulled from a recent GT, and we’ll be going

Warhammer Tactics: Casual vs. Competitive

Warhammer Tactics is back, and it’s coming in with a double feature. Today, we’re going to be looking at the ideas of being “Casual” and “Competitive” are, both from the perspective of players and models in the game. There’s often a lot of miscommunication when it comes to these

Mind Games: Tabletop Table Manners

In this week’s edition of Mind Games, I want to look in a slightly different direction than we have in recent weeks. Rather than looking at how to outsmart our opponents, instead we’re going to look at how to be a good opponent other players look forward to seeing

Kill Team Tactics – Matched Play Command Roster

Kill Team is fresh off the press, and it’s quite an awesome game. It follows a similar ruleset to 40K, while having just enough differences to truly make it feel like it is its own game, and not just “40K with very few models.” To help you get the