This week on Nights at the Game Table, we have a fierce showdown between two elite melee armies! We have Kevin’s lightning fast Harlequins going up against John’s savage Space Wolves. Keep scrolling down to see the army lists for these two brutal forces!
Returning from his last bout against Necrons, John’s Space Wolves are ready for carnage. While backfield units like the Venerable and Deredo Dreadnoughts can smash the enemy at range, the brutal wulfen squad (supported by a wolf priest) can move up to wreak havoc on anything they can close the distance with. Equipped with thunder hammers and storm shields, there are few things in the game that can withstand a single round of combat with them!
Here is the army list:
++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium – Space Wolves) [65 PL, 992pts] ++
+ HQ [11 PL, 206pts] +
Wolf Guard Battle Leader [5 PL, 109pts]: Jump Packs [1 PL, 18pts], Storm shield [10pts], The Armour of Russ, Thunder hammer [21pts], Warlord
Wolf Priest [6 PL, 97pts]: Bolt pistol, Jump Packs [1 PL, 22pts]
+ Elites [54 PL, 786pts] +
Relic Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 187pts]: Anvillus autocannon battery [50pts], Twin heavy bolter [17pts]
Venerable Dreadnought [9 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher [20pts], Twin lascannon [40pts]
Venerable Dreadnought [9 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher [20pts], Twin lascannon [40pts]
Wulfen [22 PL, 319pts]
. 6x Thunder hammer & Stormshield [108pts]: 6x Storm Shield [12pts], 6x Thunder Hammer [96pts]
. 6x Wulfen [168pts]
. Wulfen Pack Leader [43pts]: Frost claws [15pts]
++ Total: [65 PL, 992pts] ++
Not to be outdone, Kevin is fielding his Harlequins. These lethal Aeldari are all packing fusion pistols, which are handheld weapons that are capable of tearing holes through tanks (and their crew). All this withering firepower, and thats just on his basic troops! The second part of this cackling cocktail of destruction is the absurdly fast Solitaire. Once per game a Solitaire can be boosted to absolutely insane speed and a staggering number of attacks, making them able to shred entire units on their own.
And here is Kevin’s list:
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari – Harlequins) [49 PL, 8CP, 998pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
Masque Form: The Soaring Spite: Serpent’s Blood
+ HQ +
Shadowseer [7 PL, 125pts]: Fog of Dreams, Shuriken Pistol, Twilight Pathways
Troupe Master [4 PL, 70pts]: Harlequin’s Blade, Player of the Light, Shuriken Pistol, Warlord
+ Troops +
Troupe [5 PL, 121pts]
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
Troupe [5 PL, 121pts]
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
Troupe [5 PL, 121pts]
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Blade
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
. Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin’s Caress
+ Elites +
Death Jester [3 PL, 45pts]
Solitaire [5 PL, 98pts]: Cegorach’s Rose, Harlequin’s Caress, Harlequin’s Kiss
+ Dedicated Transport +
Starweaver [5 PL, 99pts]: 2x Shuriken Cannon
Starweaver [5 PL, 99pts]: 2x Shuriken Cannon
Starweaver [5 PL, 99pts]: 2x Shuriken Cannon
++ Total: [49 PL, 8CP, 998pts] ++
To see this vicious melee matchup watch the video below!

Warhammer 40k Winning Lists June 11th Edition
With summer in full swing, we see a refreshing number of tournaments kick back up globally, ranging from 3 to 7 rounds