This is your complete guide to Sisters of Battle Tactics (Adepta Sororitas tactics) for Warhammer 40k 9th Edition!
If you’re into Warhammer 40k for the story or find yourself just getting started with this edition, this Sisters of Battle tactics guide will provide you with the army and lore you crave! Sisters of Battle (or Adepta Sororitas) is an army based around close combat and heavy ranged damage dealing alike. With the new release of the Adepta Sororitas Codex you’ll find that in terms of story and style, Sisters of Battle are overzealous, badass women characters–all about control and fervor.
Fortunes can shift rapidly in an exciting Warhammer game, but Sisters of Battle allow you to guarantee certain outcomes or go for a real Hail Mary with the help of miracle dice.

Warhammer 9th Edition Sisters of Battle Tactics
In this Sisters of Battle tactics guide you will see that they have exceptionally cool abilities and some of the most aesthetically pleasing models. With the right configuration, you can force opponent models to fight last, do serious damage in the same turn with both ranged and melee abilities, and generate more miracle dice to maximize your chances of success. In this edition, you can expect some sweet robosuit action–all without the hindrance of past problems like the Advance + Charge and the less than useful Storm of Retribution.
Of all the armies in the 9th edition, Adepta Sororitas have some of the most standout, detailed models, sporting the most expressive faces. Check out the purity scrolls and hymnals the Dialogus has decked herself out with; the level of detail on these models is nothing short of phenomenal. These Sisters of Battle minis are among the best models the manufacturer has ever produced, and they’re a joy to paint. If you’re into super miniature details such as painting words on a page and embroidery on fabric, you’re going to love these. This is really an opportunity to let your painting skills shine.
Symbols such as ankhs and fleur de lis adorn the Sisters of Battle, and there’s nothing holier than getting these details right with your smallest detail brush.
Additionally, the Sisters of Battle are getting a bit of hate because their last edition was so recently released. If that’s how you feel, direct your hate at Games Workshop; the army build potential itself as presented in this edition presents a bevy of improvements.

Consider using this Sisters of Battle tactics guide if you’re interested in an army that:
- Engages in close combat exceptionally well
- Deals out lots of wounds in the shooting phase
- Consists of humans relying on machines
- Provides cascading bonuses with unique characters
- Provides focus and control, but also rewards the long shot
- You like mixing and matching as many units’ abilities are not order-locked
Before you begin putting your Sisters of Battle army together, study up on these glorious units:
- Exorcist, most useful with Devastating Refrain Stratagem and miracle dice manipulation, equipped to deal with enemy artillery. Study this one carefully, because those who don’t consider them less valuable than they are.
- Dogmata, providing Objective Secure (ObSec) on other units, allowing additional ranged attacks (pairs well with Seraphim)
- Canoness with command upgrades and multiple blessings to choose from (consider using with Rapturous Blows)
- Morvenn Vahl, which we will discuss in detail later. Functioning as a Supreme Commander, this 8-Wound character can halve damage from just about every damage source AND ignore 4+ mortal wounds. Her saves make her survivable, and she’s tough with a strength of 6.
- Penitent Engines with Endless Suffering ability and base 8 movement speed
- Dialogus with litany style abilities AND miracle dice manipulation and War Hymn
- Celestian Sacresants, ideal to use in the center of the table, excellent for charge and defense with a 4+ invulnerable save (dare we suggest a hoard type army built with these?)
If you’re used to previous Sisters of Battle editions, some of the units might seem like they’ve been nerfed. However, most of them simply require different Sisters of Battle tactics that we’ll explore below.

Before you disregard changes, think about how they’ll work in complement with the units mentioned above. For example, Mortifiers lost their advance ability–but they’re more heavily armored now. It’s all about using them differently.
Our guess? Games Workshop focused more on Adepta Sororitas in this edition for a few reasons:
- Highest potential for most elegant and badass models
- Potential to draw new player base to the game (women might be more interested in playing Warhammer if there’s a badass army of mostly-clothed women available)
- They’ve not really given them a fair shake in previous editions; now it’s their turn to shine.
Miracle Dice & Sisters of Battle
What Are Miracle Dice in Warhammer 9th Edition?
Miracle Dice work exclusively with the Adepta Sororitas (Sisters of Battle) Army. You can use Miracle Dice to maximize Acts of Faith abilities. Miracle Dice work differently depending on the phase and Acts of Faith ability in question (each ability will tell you how to use the dice).
How Do Miracle Dice Work?
While Miracle Dice are specific to Acts of Faith abilities, they happen during phases and you can usually use them to stack effects when it comes to:
Enemy unit destruction
Psychic power denial
Morale tests
Destruction of your own character (typically to cause another effect or to martyr a character and use its effect)
Start battle round
You get a miracle dice at the beginning of your battle round and one at the end of each phase when specific conditions are met, per the Adepta Sororitas Codex.
Before we dive into specific Stratagem overviews, consider that Miracle Dice and Acts of Faith are still active AND Hymns of Battle have been added. These hymns allow missionaries, preachers, and priests to buff a character nearby, such as a core unit or an Engine of Redemption.
Additionally, the Morvenn Vahl is universally hailed as the MVP of the Sisters of Battle. Just about every existing strategy guide advises you to include this unit and build heavily around her. And you know what? That advice is NOT wrong. Read up on how to use her before diving in.
Sisters of Battle Stratagems

Sisters of Battle Tactics from The Nights Team
Our Nights at the Game Table team has come up with some useful Adepta Sororitas tactics. Here are the tactics:
Mavens of Miracle: Use [ordin amber?] to force your opponent to fight last. This is the only way to get this ability in the army, and it helps to have multiple units get the hit burst.
Save Me For Close Combat: The [Miracle Ability of Miraculous] lets you turn off Invulnerable saves. This highlights the close combat potential of the Sisters of Battle, as even in the shooting phase you can make sure the ranged shooting punches through as much as possible. Be aware that you have to spend miracle dice to do this. To do so, build your army to generate miracle dice so you can use this tactic. You can only turn off Invulnerable saves once per game, but you can make it last during the fight phase. Use this when you know your opponent has Invulnerable saves on one really large unit.
Sacred Cover: Position your Sacrosancts to sit in cover so they can protect other models that move around them. This makes characters untargetable so you can expose them. The character doesn’t have to worry about getting shot at.
Celestial Reach: Celestine can reach out and grab an objective, even though the Sacrosancts aren’t screening in front of them. As long as the character is within 30 inches of Sacrosancts, the character cannot be targeted by ranged attacks.
Retributor Spam: Argent shroud retributor spam allows them to move in advance with no penalty, giving them a 36 inch range, ignoring the heavy penalty AND getting a reroll. They can go off and do stuff by themselves without having to worry about character support. This gives you the versatility of a group that can move around the board and shoot on its own.
Mix and Match: The Hospitaller can revive and heal any sister in any unit, not just one of her own order; the Dogmata functions similarly. The Dogmata can give her litanies and war hymn buffs to any unit near her (though other buffs are order-locked, hymns are not). Swap in different sub-factions liberally and always use Morvenn Vahl, who is also not order-locked.
Objectively Tranced: Take 20 sisters of battle in a single squad, put a trance on them and make them double ObSec. They can sit on an objective and the Dogmata provides the double. Any unit can get transhuman while being on an object per the corresponding Stratagem. This counts as 40, making them almost impossible to move, which you can combine with sister secondary and sacred shrine, so they control the objective all game, thus providing extra points and a secondary combo.
Heal Her Up, Or How To Use Your Hospitaller Properly: If you have a hospitaller and your character dies, you spend miracle dice. On the opponent’s turn, the Hospitaller heals the character to full health.
While a Stratagem and not a tactic, remember to use the character revival Stratagem to spend dice and get a character back. If your opponent takes assassination and wants to kill your character, you can pop the strategem and bring her back at the end of game–thus denying your opponent those points. This use of the Stratagem is crucial in a close point count battle.
Morvenn Vahl: Why So Badass?
Why does just about every Sisters of Battle tactics strategy guide, including this one, advise you to use Morvenn Vahl? In Warhammer 40k, most units can only buff the same type of unit, of course–but Morvenn Vahl is not order-locked. She can provide rerolls to a unit. This allows the character to roll with different orders and you don’t lose anything from mixing orders.
One of the biggest advantages when planning your Sisters of Battle tactics is that you don’t lose buffs as easily as you might with other armies, and it’s beneficial to mix and match. Of course, Morvenn Vahl is also the most badass looking models available, and it’d be a pity not to have that on the table.
Bonus Tactic: A Seraphim with Morvenn Vahl allows for rerolls, letting you have a 5 man Seraphim squad with 20 attacks hitting on 3s with Bloody Rose as faction.
Give our tactics a try and come back to let us know how it worked out for you. Drop us a comment to tell us about another tactic you’ve discovered, your favorite Stratagem, or to point us to your fantastic Sisters of Battle 9th Edition paint job.
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Battle Tactic Stratagems
Cleansed By Fire
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle must watch the heretics burn! Those who are heretics (enemies) light up with flame and fire, exploding in the glorious cleansing of damage and death. The power of fire is fueled by the fervor of the fanatical sisters.
How it works: Use this in your Shooting Phase with an Adeptus Ministorum unit. This lasts until the end of the phase. When one model in your unit uses a flame weapon to shoot, instead of rolling to determine attacks, you make the maximum number of attacks with the weapon in question.
Embodied Prophecy
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: The fanaticism of Zerphyrim becomes evident as they advance in battle. They are leaders, and they are strong in their attack, fortified by faith.
How it works: Select one Zephyrrim Squad unit during the Fight phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in that unit does a melee attack, the wound roll gets a +1.
Exceptional Proficiency
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Fortified by the fervor of fanaticism, Celecstians display their battlecraft proudly.
How it works: Select a Celestian unit during your Shooting or Fight phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit attacks, it gets a +1 to the attack roll.
Extremis Trigger Word
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Sometimes, they just snap. They hear that word, and violence is unleashed in righteous determination and victory.
How it works: Use with an Arco-Flagellants unit in the Fight phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Every acro-flail model in the selected unit gets the following equipped: when attacking with this specific weapon, make 3 hit rolls. When the phase is done, roll a D6 for every model in the unit. Each 1 represents a member of that unit that you must then destroy.
Suffer Not the Witch
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: When an Adepta decides someone is a witch, it shows. Watch how they submit to the Ecclesiarchy via force and faith!
How it works: Use this in the Shoot or Fight phase with an Adeptus Ministorum; it lasts until the end of that phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit attacks a Psyker unit, you get a +1 to the hit roll. If an Adeptus Ministorum Character attacks, you get +1 to attack and +1 to wound.
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Epic Deed Stratagems

Divine Intervention
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: How did they avoid death? Clearly divine intervention was involved. For the faithful, it is the only explanation. It is the truth.
How it works: This Stratagem does not work on named characters or when you have no Miracle dice left. You can only use it once per battle. When an Adepta Sororitas Character model is destroyed, Discard 1-3 Miracle dice. Ignore other rules triggered by that model’s death. Return the model to the battlefield at the end of the phase. You must set it as closely as possible to where it met its demise, but not within an enemy’s Engagement Range. When it comes back to play, the wounds it has are determined by the number of Miracle dice you got rid of.
Fiery Oratory
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Beautifully spoken words enhance the determination and passion of those who feel strongly about the Ecclesiarchy, emboldening them to succeed in battle.
How it works: You can use this during the beginning of any phase except your Command phase. Use with an Adeptus Ministorum Priest that hasn’t used a hymn in this turn. You cannot use a hymn that another model in your army has used this turn. The hymn is an automatic success to inspire. This lasts until the start of your next Command phase.
Martyr’s Immolation
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Sometimes sacrifice is required to take out a heretic. Thus they both burn in battle.
How it works: You can use this in any phase. This occurs when an Immolator model is destroyed (must be equipped with immolation flamers). It automatically explodes.
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Strategic Ploy Stratagems
Angelic Ascent
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: Wings of Fire violently grace the sky in focused fury and ascent.
How it works: This works with one selected Adepta Sororitas Jump Pack and occurs at the beginning of your Movement phase. Take the unit off of the battlefield and set it back up in the Reinforcements step of your following Movement phase. You can place it anywhere on the battlefield more than 9 inches away from enemy models. The unit counts as destroyed if the battle ends and it isn’t present on the battlefield.
Battle Rites
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: It sounds like hymns being chanted repeatedly on the battlefield. The sound of strength, solidarity, faith.
How it works: This works with the Warlord with the Adepta Sororitas keyword when it is on the battlefield. Deploy Stratagem at the beginning of your battle round. Generate a random sacred rite with a D6 (reroll if you get one that is already active). Replace your active rite with the new one. You can only do this once.
Deadly Descent
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: Death from above, as Seraphim arrive, judging and winged.
How it works: Use with one Seraphim Squad set up as Reinforcements at the end of your movement phase. Your unit can shoot as though it’s your Shooting phase.
Defenders of Faith
Cost: 2 CP
How it looks: Hymns and holy fire combine from within your faithful army to further embolden it.
How it works: Use with a Battle Sisters squad at the end of Movement phase. Must be within the objective marker’s range on the battlefield. The following effects last until the start of your following Movement phase:
- Rapit Fire bolt weapons in the unit make double the amount of attacks. This includes any bolt weapon classified as “rapid fire.”
- When the enemy attacks your unit, any unmodified 1-3 wound roll fails. Other abilities or modifications to the roll do not count.
Desperate for Redemption
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: A wounded sister fights on for the Emperor. She is fearless, though hindered. She must continue on.
How it works: Use with a Sisters Repentia unit in the Fight phase. Use this when your selected unit gets targeted for melee attack. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model from the selected unit is destroyed by melee, do not remove it from play so long as that model did not fight this phase. Once the attacking model’s unit has finalized attacks, your destroyed model may fight. Once that happens, other rules affecting the “destroyed model” come into play. Afterwards, remove the model from play.
Devastating Refrain
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: Enemies of the Emperor crumble by holy missiles launched into the sky in glorious fury.
How it works: Use this Stratagem with a shooting Exorcist model in your Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Your Exorcist’s missile launcher or conflagration rockets can target units not currently visible to the Exorcist in question.
Holy Rage
Cost: 1 CP / 2 CP (If the selected unit is within 6 inches of an Adeptus Ministorum Priest model, it costs 1 CP. If not, it costs 2 CP.)
What it looks like: Emboldened by psalms, the Sisters trudge forward, ever on.
How it works: Use this Stratagem on an Adepta Sororitas Core unit at the beginning of your Charge phase. This lasts until the start of your following Command phase. The unit gains either the Fanatic or Zealot ability. They work as follows:
- Zealot: When a model in this unit attacks in melee, you can reroll the attack’s hit role if the unit made a charge move, performed a Heroic Intervention, or was the recipient of a charge this turn.
- Fanatic: The unit may declare a charge during a turn when it Fell Back.
Purity of Faith
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: With faith so strong, the Sisters of Battle repel psychic attacks.
How it works: Use once an enemy Psyker passes a Psychic test during the enemy’s Psychic phase. Use after any attempt with Deny the Witch (if applicable). If the enemy Psyker unit is 24 inches or less from any Adepta Sororitas units, you roll a D6. If you score a 4 or higher, the psychic power does not affect your units.
Faith and Fury
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle understand that the Emperor fuels them, and when the Emperor does watch over them, they are so emboldened with rapture and vigor.
How it works: You can reuse the same Miracle dice for a wound roll of that attack. It doesn’t count as a second Act of Faith, and you must use it after an Adepta Sororitas unit has performed Act of Faith.
Final Redemption
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Zealous nature is terrible and beautiful. Let them pursue it to glory’s end.
How it works: Use this Stratagem after an Engine of Redemption gets targeted for melee attack. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit gets destroyed by melee combat, roll a D6. If you score 4 or higher, the attacking unit gets D3 mortal wounds after it finishes its attack.
Judgement of the Faithful
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Divinity inspires a change in the tide of battle. For the Emperor!
How it works: Use this when an Adepta Sororitas unit Falls back in your Movement phase. Although the unit Fell Back, it can still shoot this turn.
Righteous Impact
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Machine and might and religiosity combine to crash into the enemy.
How it works: Use the Stratagem when an Engine of Redemption or Paragon Warsuits unit finishes a charge move in your Charge phase. Choose one enemy unit (must be in Engagement Range) and roll a D6 for each model in your unit that is also in Engagement Range of that enemy unit. For every D6 that meets or beats the enemy unit’s Toughness, the enemy unit gets 1 mortal wound.
Blessed Bolts
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: So much focus is required to make a bolt, but it’s full of divine vengeance from the Emperor and strikes with appropriate force.
How it works: Use when you select an Adepta Sororitas unit to shoot in your Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in that unit attacks with an artificer-crafted storm bolter (unmodified hit roll of 6), the enemy targeted gets 2 mortal wounds. This also ends the sequence. Limit 6 inflicted mortal wounds per phase with this Stratagem.
Holy Smokescreen
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle have war machines that produce smoky incense in which they can hide from their foes.
How it works: Use this Stratagem when your Adepta Sororitas Smokescreen unit gets targeted for attack during your opponent’s Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. When the enemy attacks your unit, they must subtract 1 from their hit roll.
Holy Trinity
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Molten, melting, metal, mortals: purge the foe with Holy Trinity.
How it works: Use this when you select an Adepta Sororitas to shoot during your Shooting phase. Use with one unit equipped with a bolt weapon, one with a melta, and one with a flame weapon. on one eligible target. This lasts until the end of the phase. Models in your unit can only target that specific enemy unit, but bolt, flame, and melta weapons get +1 to attack’s wound roll.
Inviolate Shieldwall
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Nothing can beat a shieldwall propelled by faith in the Emperor!
How it works: Use with Celestian Sacresants or Crusaders at the start of your Fight phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever an attack is made against your selected unit, the attack’s wound roll is -1.
Thrice-Blessed Hull
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: When a hull is blessed, it makes the enemy combust!
How it works: Choose a Hallowed from your army at the beginning of your opponent’s Psychic phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Your selected Hallowed model gains this ability:
- Aura “Thrice-Blessed Hull”: Psyker unit suffers Perils of the warp when it is within 12 inches of this model whenever a psychic test is taken and failed.
To use these Strategems, your army must include Adepta Sororitas Detachments (not including Super-heavy Auxiliary, Auxiliary Support, or Fortification Network Detatchments).
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Battle Tactic Stratagems
Cleansed By Fire
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle must watch the heretics burn! Those who are heretics (enemies) light up with flame and fire, exploding in the glorious cleansing of damage and death. The power of fire is fueled by the fervor of the fanatical sisters.
How it works: Use this in your Shooting Phase with an Adeptus Ministorum unit. This lasts until the end of the phase. When one model in your unit uses a flame weapon to shoot, instead of rolling to determine attacks, you make the maximum number of attacks with the weapon in question.
Embodied Prophecy
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: The fanaticism of Zerphyrim becomes evident as they advance in battle. They are leaders, and they are strong in their attack, fortified by faith.
How it works: Select one Zephyrrim Squad unit during the Fight phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in that unit does a melee attack, the wound roll gets a +1.
Exceptional Proficiency
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Fortified by the fervor of fanaticism, Celecstians display their battlecraft proudly.
How it works: Select a Celestian unit during your Shooting or Fight phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit attacks, it gets a +1 to the attack roll.
Extremis Trigger Word
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Sometimes, they just snap. They hear that word, and violence is unleashed in righteous determination and victory.
How it works: Use with an Arco-Flagellants unit in the Fight phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Every acro-flail model in the selected unit gets the following equipped: when attacking with this specific weapon, make 3 hit rolls. When the phase is done, roll a D6 for every model in the unit. Each 1 represents a member of that unit that you must then destroy.
Suffer Not the Witch
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: When an Adepta decides someone is a witch, it shows. Watch how they submit to the Ecclesiarchy via force and faith!
How it works: Use this in the Shoot or Fight phase with an Adeptus Ministorum; it lasts until the end of that phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit attacks a Psyker unit, you get a +1 to the hit roll. If an Adeptus Ministorum Character attacks, you get +1 to attack and +1 to wound.
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Epic Deed Stratagems
Divine Intervention
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: How did they avoid death? Clearly divine intervention was involved. For the faithful, it is the only explanation. It is the truth.
How it works: This Stratagem does not work on named characters or when you have no Miracle dice left. You can only use it once per battle. When an Adepta Sororitas Character model is destroyed, Discard 1-3 Miracle dice. Ignore other rules triggered by that model’s death. Return the model to the battlefield at the end of the phase. You must set it as closely as possible to where it met its demise, but not within an enemy’s Engagement Range. When it comes back to play, the wounds it has are determined by the number of Miracle dice you got rid of.
Fiery Oratory
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Beautifully spoken words enhance the determination and passion of those who feel strongly about the Ecclesiarchy, emboldening them to succeed in battle.
How it works: You can use this during the beginning of any phase except your Command phase. Use with an Adeptus Ministorum Priest that hasn’t used a hymn in this turn. You cannot use a hymn that another model in your army has used this turn. The hymn is an automatic success to inspire. This lasts until the start of your next Command phase.
Martyr’s Immolation
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Sometimes sacrifice is required to take out a heretic. Thus they both burn in battle.
How it works: You can use this in any phase. This occurs when an Immolator model is destroyed (must be equipped with immolation flamers). It automatically explodes.
Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas Strategic Ploy Stratagems
Angelic Ascent
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: Wings of Fire violently grace the sky in focused fury and ascent.
How it works: This works with one selected Adepta Sororitas Jump Pack and occurs at the beginning of your Movement phase. Take the unit off of the battlefield and set it back up in the Reinforcements step of your following Movement phase. You can place it anywhere on the battlefield more than 9 inches away from enemy models. The unit counts as destroyed if the battle ends and it isn’t present on the battlefield.
Battle Rites
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: It sounds like hymns being chanted repeatedly on the battlefield. The sound of strength, solidarity, faith.
How it works: This works with the Warlord with the Adepta Sororitas keyword when it is on the battlefield. Deploy Stratagem at the beginning of wyour battle round. Generate a random sacred rite with a D6 (reroll if you get one that is already active). Replace your active rite with the new one. You can only do this once.
Deadly Descent
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: Death from above, as Seraphim arrive, judging and winged.
How it works: Use with one Seraphim Squad set up as Reinforcements at the end of your movement phase. Your unit can shoot as though it’s your Shooting phase.
Defenders of Faith
Cost: 2 CP
How it looks: Hymns and holy fire combine from within your faithful army to further embolden it.
How it works: Use with a Battle Sisters squad at the end of Movement phase. Must be within the objective marker’s range on the battlefield. The following effects last until the start of your following Movement phase:
- Rapit Fire bolt weapons in the unit make double the amount of attacks. This includes any bolt weapon classified as “rapid fire.”
- When the enemy attacks your unit, any unmodified 1-3 wound roll fails. Other abilities or modifications to the roll do not count.
Desperate for Redemption
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: A wounded sister fights on for the Emperor. She is fearless, though hindered. She must continue on.
How it works: Use with a Sisters Repentia unit in the Fight phase. Use this when your selected unit gets targeted for melee attack. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model from the selected unit is destroyed by melee, do not remove it from play so long as that model did not fight this phase. Once the attacking model’s unit has finalized attacks, your destroyed model may fight. Once that happens, other rules affecting the “destroyed model” come into play. Afterwards, remove the model from play.
Devastating Refrain
Cost: 2 CP
What it looks like: Enemies of the Emperor crumble by holy missiles launched into the sky in glorious fury.
How it works: Use this Stratagem with a shooting Exorcist model in your Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. Your Exorcist’s missile launcher or conflagration rockets can target units not currently visible to the Exorcist in question.
Holy Rage
Cost: 1 CP / 2 CP (If the selected unit is within 6 inches of an Adeptus Ministorum Priest model, it costs 1 CP. If not, it costs 2 CP.)
What it looks like: Emboldened by psalms, the Sisters trudge forward, ever on.
How it works: Use this Stratagem on an Adepta Sororitas Core unit at the beginning of your Charge phase. This lasts until the start of your following Command phase. The unit gains either the Fanatic or Zealot ability. They work as follows:
- Zealot: When a model in this unit attacks in melee, you can reroll the attack’s hit role if the unit made a charge move, performed a Heroic Intervention, or was the recipient of a charge this turn.
- Fanatic: The unit may declare a charge during a turn when it Fell Back.
Purity of Faith
Cost: 1 CP
How it looks: With faith so strong, the Sisters of Battle repel psychic attacks.
How it works: Use once an enemy Psyker passes a Psychic test during the enemy’s Psychic phase. Use after any attempt with Deny the Witch (if applicable). If the enemy Psyker unit is 24 inches or less from any Adepta Sororitas units, you roll a D6. If you score a 4 or higher, the psychic power does not affect your units.
Faith and Fury
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle understand that the Emperor fuels them, and when the Emperor does watch over them, they are so emboldened with rapture and vigor.
How it works: You can reuse the same Miracle dice for a wound roll of that attack. It doesn’t count as a second Act of Faith, and you must use it after an Adepta Sororitas unit has performed Act of Faith.
Final Redemption
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Zealous nature is terrible and beautiful. Let them pursue it to glory’s end.
How it works: Use this Stratagem after an Engine of Redemption gets targeted for melee attack. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in your selected unit gets destroyed by melee combat, roll a D6. If you score 4 or higher, the attacking unit gets D3 mortal wounds after it finishes its attack.
Judgement of the Faithful
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Divinity inspires a change in the tide of battle. For the Emperor!
How it works: Use this when an Adepta Sororitas unit Falls back in your Movement phase. Although the unit Fell Back, it can still shoot this turn.
Righteous Impact
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Machine and might and religiosity combine to crash into the enemy.
How it works: Use the Stratagem when an Engine of Redemption or Paragon Warsuits unit finishes a charge move in your Charge phase. Choose one enemy unit (must be in Engagement Range) and roll a D6 for each model in your unit that is also in Engagement Range of that enemy unit. For every D6 that meets or beats the enemy unit’s Toughness, the enemy unit gets 1 mortal wound.
Blessed Bolts
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: So much focus is required to make a bolt, but it’s full of divine vengeance from the Emperor and strikes with appropriate force.
How it works: Use when you select an Adepta Sororitas unit to shoot in your Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever a model in that unit attacks with an artificer-crafted storm bolter (unmodified hit roll of 6), the enemy targeted gets 2 mortal wounds. This also ends the sequence. Limit 6 inflicted mortal wounds per phase with this Stratagem.
Holy Smokescreen
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: The Sisters of Battle have war machines that produce smoky incense in which they can hide from their foes.
How it works: Use this Stratagem when your Adepta Sororitas Smokescreen unit gets targeted for attack during your opponent’s Shooting phase. This lasts until the end of that phase. When the enemy attacks your unit, they must subtract 1 from their hit roll.
Holy Trinity
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Molten, melting, metal, mortals: purge the foe with Holy Trinity.
How it works: Use this when you select an Adepta Sororitas to shoot during your Shooting phase. Use with one unit equipped with a bolt weapon, one with a melta, and one with a flame weapon. on one eligible target. This lasts until the end of the phase. Models in your unit can only target that specific enemy unit, but bolt, flame, and melta weapons get +1 to attack’s wound roll.
Inviolate Shieldwall
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: Nothing can beat a shieldwall propelled by faith in the Emperor!
How it works: Use with Celestian Sacresants or Crusaders at the start of your Fight phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Whenever an attack is made against your selected unit, the attack’s wound roll is -1.
Thrice-Blessed Hull
Cost: 1 CP
What it looks like: When a hull is blessed, it makes the enemy combust!
How it works: Choose a Hallowed from your army at the beginning of your opponent’s Psychic phase. This lasts until the end of the phase. Your selected Hallowed model gains this ability:
- Aura “Thrice-Blessed Hull”: Psyker unit suffers Perils of the warp when it is within 12 inches of this model whenever a psychic test is taken and failed.
Header image by elartwyne on Deviant Art!