Nights At The Game Table Battle Report Army Lists: Callidus Assassin Astra Militarum Vs. Hive Tyrant Tyranids Warhammer 40K Battle Report


This week on Nights At The Game Table, David and Ryan are facing off in another epic battle for the fate of humanity! David is bringing an Imperial Guard Battalion backed up by a variety of air support and a horrifying Callidus Assassin, while Ryan is planning to consume them all with a Kraken Fleet army of Tyranids!
To see how these two armies stack up, check out the full list below!

David: Astra Militarum

While the Imperial Guardsman might not be able to match up to the Tyranids on a head-to-head basis, they’re more than able to make up for it through their stunning array of aerial firepower. With four Vulture Gunships and a Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter raining down death and destruction from above, David’s squads of Scions should be able to move in and mop up any remaining resistance! Of course, there’s also the shape-shifting terror of the Callidus Assassin waiting in the wings as well, and this sneaky killing machine may be able to sow chaos in the Tyranid ranks!
David’s full army list includes:

Air wings Detachment + 1 CP Elysian 

+ Flyer [37 PL, 625pts] +

  • Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter [15 PL, 305pts]: 6 Skystrike Missiles [90pts], 2x Twin autocannon [50pts], Twin lascannon [40pts]
  • Vulture Gunship [11 PL, 160pts]
  • Vulture Gunship [11 PL, 160pts]: Heavy bolter [8pts], Twin Punisher Gatling Cannons [40pts]
  • Vulture Gunship [11 PL, 160pts]
  • Vulture Gunship [11 PL, 160pts]: Heavy bolter [8pts], Twin Punisher Gatling Cannons [40pts]

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) [15 PL, 290pts] ++

Millitarum Tempestus

+ HQ [5 PL, 86pts] +

Primaris Psyker [2 PL, 46pts]: Force Stave [8pts]

Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Hot-shot Laspistol

+ Troops [9 PL, 178pts] +

Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 67pts]

  • 2x Scion [18pts]
  • Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
  • Scion w/ Special Weapon [20pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
  • Tempestor [9pts]: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol

Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 59pts]

  • 2x Scion [18pts]
  • Scion w/ Special Weapon [16pts]: Hot-shot Volley Gun [7pts]
  • Scion w/ Special Weapon [16pts]: Hot-shot Volley Gun [7pts]
  • Tempestor [9pts]: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol

Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 52pts]

  • 3x Scion [27pts]
  • Scion w/ Special Weapon [16pts]: Hot-shot Volley Gun [7pts]
  • Tempestor [9pts]: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
  • Elites [1 PL, 26pts] +
  • Astropath [1 PL, 26pts]: Laspistol

++ Total: [52 PL, 915pts] ++


Ryan: Tyranids

The Tyranids are on the hunt for their next meal, and they’ve got plenty of killing power to turn the Imperial Guard into nothing more than lunch! With a Broodlord, Hive Tyrant, and Swarmlord leading their ranks, and several squads of Genestealers who can keep the Guardsmen busy, it will take everything David has to stop Ryan from ripping through his air support and claiming another victory for the Tyranids.
Ryan’s full army list includes:

Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [60 PL, 7CP, 1000pts]

No Force Org Slot [7CP]
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Hive Fleet Selections: Kraken
Stratagem: 1 Extra Bio-artefact [-1CP]
HQ [34 PL, 582pts]
Broodlord [8 PL, 115pts]
Selections: Power: Psychic Scream, The Ymgarl Factor
Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 217pts]
Selections: 3. Tenacious Survivor, Adrenal Glands [5pts], Chameleonic Mutation, Heavy Venom Cannon [18pts], Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Power: The Horror, Toxin Sacs [4pts], Warlord, Wings [2 PL, 47pts]
The Swarmlord [15 PL, 250pts]
Selections: Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream
Troops [16 PL, 240pts]
Genestealers [4 PL, 60pts]

  • Selections: Acid Maw
  • 5x Genestealer [60pts]
  • Selections: 5x Rending Claws [10pts]

Genestealers [4 PL, 60pts]

  • Selections: Acid Maw
  • 5x Genestealer [60pts]
  • Selections: 5x Rending Claws [10pts]

Genestealers [4 PL, 60pts]

  • Selections: Acid Maw
  • 5x Genestealer [60pts]
  • Selections: 5x Rending Claws [10pts]

Genestealers [4 PL, 60pts]

  • Selections: Acid Maw
  • 5x Genestealer [60pts]
  • Selections: 5x Rending Claws [10pts]

Heavy Support [10 PL, 178pts]

  • Trygon Prime [10 PL, 178pts]
  • Selections: 3x Massive Scything Talons [40pts], Prehensile Pincer Tail

To see what happens when these two fearsome armies match up, watch the full episode below!
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