New Genestealer Cult vs Necrons Live Stream Feb 18 4pm EST


This Wednesday at 4pm EST I’ll be live streaming a game against Jack Harpster who will be trying out the new GSC, against my Necrons! For those of you who haven’t been following my adventures., I’ve been working on a lot of Necron ideas behind the scenes, and  I do plan to take them to a major this season! Well see if my first crack at them has what it takes to take on the uprising.
You can catch the game either live, or as a rerun on your own time at Nights PRO
Here are the lists we’ll be using

Nick Nanavati Jack Harpster
Sautekh Battalion 4 Armed Emporer Battalion
Zandrekh 150 Iconward 53
Oberyn 125 Primus 75
20 Warriors 220 14 Acolytes- icon 108
9 Immortals- tesla 135 15 Acolytes- Icon 115
9 Immortals- tesla 135 10 Brooodbrothers 40
Clamavus 55
Mixed Battalion Kelermorph 60
Orikan 115
Overlord- voidblade <sautekh> 90 Rusted Claw Battalion
5 Immortals- tesla <nephrek> 75 Jackal Alphus 70
5 Immortals- tesla <nephrek> 75 Magus- Familiar 92
5 Immortals- tesla <nephrek> 75 10 Broodbrothers 40
Deceiver 225 10 Broodbrothers 40
Nightbringer 180 10 Broodbrothers 40
Transcendant C’tan 200 5 Jackals- 5 demo charges 75
Transcendant C’tan 200 5 Jackals- 5 demo charges 75
Sanctus- sniper 60
Kelermorph 60
3 Mortars 39
3 Mortars 39
3 Mortars 39
Twisted Helix Battalion
Patriarch 125
Primus 75
10 Brood brothers 40
10 Brood brothers 40
10 Brood brothers 40
9 Aberrants- 8 power picks, 1 stop sign 226
9 Aberrants- 8 power picks, 1 stop sign 226


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