The results of the Imperium’s Decay Warhammer 40k tournament are in! In defiance of the Imperium’s Decay, The imperium made a strong showing this weekend across the Majors. First, Second, and Third place at this event were all Imperium.
Imperium’s Decay 1st place Eric Hoeger – Grey Knights

[Wh40k] Grey Knight Paladin Stave by Mineraleater
Congratulations to Eric Hoeger on winning the Imperium’s Decay Warhammer 40k Tournament. He finished, with a possible 500 points as the max, Eric finished with 480 of them as well as going undefeated. There were 4 Dreadknights in this list providing a strong Distraction Carnifex that were repaired 3 wounds at a time thanks to the Aetheric Conduit on the Techmarine.
Swordbearers allow for an army wide +1 to hit rolls combined with +1 to wound with the Dreadknights after someone casts Empyric Lodestone. Tough units such as Knights are further punished with Empyric Amplification to allow for extra damage against them for the attacks that do hit and wound.
Kaldor Draigo has Warp Shaping to change the Tides and Gate of Infinity to help move units. Great for Strike Squads need to move about or when playing peekaboo with psychic powers. For example casting Vortex of doom and then pulling the casting unit out of line of sight.
Congratulations on a 1st place showing at The Imperium’s Decay Warhammer 40k Tournament!
Imperium’s Decay 1st Place List:
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [105 PL, 11CP, 1,992pts] ++
Brotherhood: Swordbearers
Armoury of Titan [-1CP]: 1 Additional Relic
+ No Force Org Slot +
Servitors [2 PL, 30pts]
+ HQ +
Brotherhood Techmarine [6 PL, 110pts]: 3: Sanctuary, 3: Unyielding Anvil, Aetheric Conduit, Boltgun, Foretelling of Locus, Omnissian Power Axe, Warlord
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [11 PL, 235pts]: 2: Empyric Amplification, 4: Vortex of Doom, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Servant of the Throne, Sigil of Exigence
Kaldor Draigo [9 PL, 180pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, 5: Warp Shaping
+ Troops +
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts] 5x Halberd
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts] 5x Sword
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts] 5x Sword
+ Fast Attack +
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts] 10x Sword
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 192pts] 8x Halberd
Interceptor Squad [7 PL, 120pts] 5x Halberd
+ Heavy Support +
Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword
++ Total: [105 PL, 11CP, 1,992pts] ++
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Imperium’s Decay 2nd place Simeon Pollard Imperium – Guard and Custodes

Simeon defeated the third place player early on in round 1 and very likely could have taken the list in first place. This is due to a few key things in his army. Salvo Launchers galore. While Salvo Launchers don’t have the volume of fire of Hurricane Bolters, they do have AP-4 and rerolls to wound. Great for punching into Dreadknights. As Dreadknights have short range, that leaves plenty of space for the Vertus Praetors to counter charge with Stooping dive. Vertus Praetor’s melee at strength 6 rerolling wound rolls on the charge is reliable. Unfortunately, the damage is d3. Volume of fire and reliable Damage 2 comes from the Caladius Grav-tanks and the Venatari. The shield captain reroll 1’s to hit still applies to them. Using the Castellan mark units can be redeployed as well.
The Guard has an important role to play in this army. First the Warlord’s job is to generate CP for the army as the whole. The extra reroll from Grand Strategist can be used army wide. Meanwhile Grand Strategist and Kurov’s Aquila are both opportunities to keep or gain a Command point. Action monkeys can be found in the cheap crusader squads as well as the scions. Great for Retrieve Octarius data and Engage on all fronts. It’s relatively hard to screen out 2 man Crusader squads. Comparatively, the Scions are hard to screen out using the Daring Decent Stratagem as they can deep strike in just over 5” away. This allows for them to possibly still and objective away from the opponent as well.
Congratulations on a second place showing and an interesting list.
Imperium’s Decay 2nd Place Winning List:
Outrider Detachment -3CP (Imperium – Adeptus Custodes) [96 PL, 8CP, 1,805pts]
Shield Host: Shadowkeepers
Open the Vaults [-1CP]: Open the Vaults: 1 Extra Relic [-1CP]
+ HQ [6 PL, 100pts] +
Shield-Captain [6 PL, 100pts]: Castellan’s Mark, Guardian Spear
+ Elites [18 PL, 340pts] +
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought [9 PL, 170pts]: Galatus Warblade
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought [9 PL, 170pts]: Galatus Warblade
+ Fast Attack [48 PL, 955pts] +
Venatari Custodians [16 PL, 275pts] 5x Venatari Buckler & Pistol
Vertus Praetors [16 PL, 340pts] 4x Praetor w/ Salvo Launchers
Vertus Praetors [16 PL, 340pts] 4x Praetor w/ Salvo Launchers
+ Heavy Support [24 PL, 410pts] +
Caladius Grav-tank [12 PL, 205pts]: Twin Iliastus Accelerator Cannon, Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon
Caladius Grav-tank [12 PL, 205pts]: Twin Iliastus Accelerator Cannon, Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Astra Militarum) [13 PL, 194pts] ++
Regimental Doctrine: 9th Iotan Gorgonnes
+ HQ [3 PL, 40pts] +
Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades, Hot-shot Laspistol, Relic: Kurov’s Aquila, Warlord, WT: Grand Strategist
+ Troops [6 PL, 90pts] +
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 45pts] 4x Scion, Tempestor Chainsword, Plasma
Militarum Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 45pts] 4x Scion, Tempestor Chainsword, Plasma
+ Elites [4 PL, 64pts] +
Crusaders [2 PL, 32pts] 2x Crusader
Crusaders [2 PL, 32pts] 2x Crusader
++ Total: [109 PL, 8CP, 1,999pts] ++
Imperium’s Decay 3rd Keith Wilkinson – Grey Knights

Keith Wilkinson was knocked out of the running for first and second early on during round 1. However, grit and determination led to a third place showing. Great job on never surrendering and holding back the Imperium’s Decay this weekend. Keith’s Wilkinson’s list is different from the first place. A double patrol was used to get past the Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight limitation allowing for 5 Dreadknights in the list. Of course 2 patrols will cost extra Command points but Prescient Brotherhood have the stratagem to reroll 1’s to wound. Great when the volume of attacks Grey Knight units have. Furthermore the Hammer of Righteousness gives +1 to wound for the Warlord. That means this warlord can wound Titans on a 2+ rerolling 1s to wound.
The Rapiers Detachment have an even larger volume of attacks when combined with Deadly Efficacy and Symphonic Strike. Those two combined start with 1 additional attack per model and then exploding 6s to hit all for 1 additional hit.
First into the Fray and various Deepstrike abilities can allow Teleport assault to be used. While Purifying Ritual is fairly reliable as a secondary, there are some armies that make casting difficult.
Again congrats on sticking it out with that early loss and well done coming third place.
Imperium’s Decay Third Place List
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [48 PL, -1CP, 965pts] ++
Brotherhood: Prescient Brethren
+ HQ [12 PL, -1CP, 245pts] +
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [12 PL, -1CP, 245pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 2: Empyric Amplification, 2: Hammer of Righteousness, 4: First to the Fray, Brotherhood Psyker Power, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Exemplar of the Silver Host [-1CP], Foretelling of Locus [2 PL, 30pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Grand Master Chapter, Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts], Sigil of Exigence, Warlord
+ Troops [6 PL, 110pts] +
Strike Squad [6 PL, 110pts]: 5x Halberd
+ Fast Attack [14 PL, 240pts] +
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts]: 10x Halberd
+ Heavy Support [16 PL, 370pts] +
Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Brotherhood Psyker Power, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Brotherhood Psyker Power, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Grey Knights) [59 PL, -1CP, 1,032pts] ++
Brotherhood: Rapiers
+ HQ [11 PL, -1CP, 235pts] +
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight [11 PL, -1CP, 235pts]: 1: Gate of Infinity, 3: Unyielding Anvil, 5: Warp Shaping, Brotherhood Psyker Power, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Exemplar of the Silver Host [-1CP], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Grand Master Chapter, Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts], Servant of the Throne [1 PL, 20pts], Warlord
+ Troops [12 PL, 132pts] +
Strike Squad [12 PL, 132pts]: 6x Halberd
+ Fast Attack [28 PL, 480pts] +
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts]: 10x Halberd
Interceptor Squad [14 PL, 240pts]: 10x Halberd
+ Heavy Support [8 PL, 185pts]
+Nemesis Dreadknight [8 PL, 185pts]: Brotherhood Psyker Power, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter [10pts], Gatling Psilencer [20pts], Heavy Psycannon [20pts], Nemesis Greatsword [15pts]
++ Total: [107 PL, -2CP, 1,997pts] ++
The wrap on Imperium’s Decay Warhammer Tournament
What do you think of this tournament’s winning lists? Do you play any of these armies? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
As always we’ve got all of the Warhammer GT winning lists for your review. Check out our Warhammer Winning Lists page with all historical information on all past tournaments.