This is the Fools Errand Winning Lists! While some may think it’s a Fool’s Errand to try and beat Light Harlequins, others are out and about doing just that. While others are running around with their own clown posse. Especially in the case of the Dark Harlequin players at this event. Melee Dark Harlequins can be very dangerous with Troupes fighting twice, bonus damage on weapons, bonus, bonus AP, stacking stratagems and fighting on death if they hadn’t fought yet.
Fools Errand 1st Place Ozzie Meloche – (Dark) Harlequins

Congratulations to Ozzie. This is the first Dark Harlequins first Major win that we’re tracking. Usually Dark Harlequins are outshined by Light Harlequins. Taking a walk on the Dark Side has its merits. Dark Troupe Masters hit hard. Ozzie has Queen of Shards to ignore Invulnerable saves on a 5+ to Wound. This won’t be as necessary against units with high armor saves but when Dark Harlequins use Cegorach’s Rose as it’s ap-3.
Fog of Dreams is a great way to keep a beaten down unit of Void weavers around. Very important to do when taking the To The Last Secondary. However, until that becomes necessary, it can help keep a Troupe unit alive when having to move out into the open or sitting on a secondary.
As a side note, if you play Harlequins check out our Top 5 Harlequin Tactics from pro player Colin Mcdade.
Fools Errand Winning Lists:
- Dark Harlequins Battalion Detachment
- Stratagems
- Treasures of the Aeldari
+ HQ +
Shadowseer w/ Fog of Dreams, Webway Dance, Mirror Architect, The Laughing God’s Eye
Troupe Master w/ Fusion, Cegorach’s Rose, Queen of Shards, Warlord A Foot in the Future
Troupe Master Fusion, Kiss, Veiled King,
+ Troops +
Troupe w/ 1 Embrace, 2x Caress, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10 x Shuriken
Troupe w/ 1 Embrace, 2x Caress, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10 x Shuriken
Troupe w/ 1 Embrace, 2x Caress, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10 x Shuriken
Troupe w/ 1 Embrace, 2x Caress, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10 x Shuriken
Troupe w/ 1 Embrace, 2x Caress, 2 Kiss, 5x Blades, 10 x Shuriken
+ Elites +
Death Jester w/, Harvester of Torment, Champion of the Aeldari for Favour of Cegorach
+ Heavy Support [45 PL, 810pts] +
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannons
Fools Errand 2nd Place Calvin Osterdal – Custodes

Congratulations to Calvin, there was a spare 20 Points in this list but that handicap didn’t stop him. The Golden boys are very tough. For Example the Shield Captain on the bike has -1 to be hit and a 5+++ ignore wounds ability on top of 9 wounds and Toughness 6. He is even tougher when he can’t be shot at due to the Wardens being near by. Perhaps the spare Points could have gone to one of the Custodes Squad but the 3 sword and board squad are just hard to kick out of cover with a 0+ Save.
Two Bike Squads are good as 3 can suck up a lot of points but to make up for the missing squad is the Telemon. Tough and hard hitting. With plenty of quality of shots to make up for the low number of shots from the bike squad. Good Job.
Fools Errand Winning Lists 2nd Place:
Emperor’s Chosen Custodes Battalion Detachment
+HQ +
Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour w/ Axe, Misericordia, Unstoppable Destroyer, Praetorian Plate
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike w/ Misericordia, Salvo, Tip of the Spear, The Emperor’s Heroes & Victor of the Blood Games for Radiant Mantle & Superior Creation
Trajann Valoris
Custodian Guard x3 w/ Sword & Shield
Custodian Guard x3 w/ 2x Spear & Misericordia, 1 w/ Sword & Shield
Prosecutors x5
Allarus x1 w/Castellan axe, Misericordia
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought w/ Eternal Penitent
Custodian Wardens x3 w/ Axe
Vertus Praetors x3 w/ Salvo & Misericordia
Vertus Praetors x3 w/ Salvo & Misericordia
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought w/ Arachnus storm cannon
Fools Errand 3rd Place Cory Burns – Harlequins

Here it is, one of the meaner builds for Troupe Masters. Player of the Dark does a Mortal wound in addition to the normal damage 3 of the Rose. It’s only on a 5+ but remember the Queen of shards won’t allow for invulnerable saves on that same 5+ to wound and the Rose in Dark Hands is AP -3.
Cory built in a little bit of extra mortal wound defense with the laughing Gods Eye. There are only 7 Voidweavers in this list proving that 9 aren’t needed to make it to the podium.
The large Troupes come with a variety of weapons. Which means additional access to stratagems such as removing invulnerable saves and doing mortal wounds. While there are limits where one stratagem can’t be used on the same unit as another stratagem, the simple solution is to just take more Troupes. Well done.
Fools Errand 3rd Place List
++ Dark Harlequins Battalion Detachment ++
+ Stratagems
Treasures of the Aeldari
+ HQ +
Shadowseer w/ Mirror Architect, Laughing God’s Eye, Mirror of Minds, Webway Dance
Troupe Master w/ Cegorach’s Rose, Queen of Shards, Favoured of the Laughing God Warlord for Favour of Cegorach & Player of the Dark
+ Troops [49 PL, 863pts] +
Troupe x10 w/ 1 Caress, 2x Embrace, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10x Shuriken
Troupe x10 w/ 1 Caress, 2x Embrace, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10x Shuriken
Troupe x10 w/ 1 Caress, 2x Embrace, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10x Shuriken
Troupe x10 w/ 1 Caress, 2x Embrace, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10x Shuriken
Troupe x10 w/ 1 Caress, 2x Embrace, 2x Kiss, 5x Blades, 10x Shuriken
Troupe x6 w/ 1 Kiss, 1 Embrace, 4x Blades, 5x Shuriken
+ Elites +
+ Heavy Support +
Voidweavers x3 w/ Prismatic Cannon
Voidweavers x2 w/ Prismatic Cannon
Voidweavers x2 w/ Prismatic Cannon
+ Dedicated Transport [8 PL, 160pts] +
Well, Murder Clowns continue to be murderous but changes are due from Games Workshop next week and Tyranids are around the corner.