A Preview Of Psychic Awakening: Engine War


If you are a fan of Warhammer 40,000 then you know about the Psychic Awakening campaigns. Pretty much every army is getting new rules and progression in their lore. New rivalries are being created or reignited (looking at you Blood Angels vs Tyranids). So far we still have Engine War, War of the Spider and Pariah to get more information on. Because we’re still waiting, I thought it would be a nice to do a reminder of what we know so far, for all the fans of big and small robots from the Imperium or the Chaos side of things.

New units inbound:

There are two new units of flying cyborg predators. The Mechanicus forces are known to have a lot of mechanical units on the field, on foot, bringing the message of the Machine God to the enemy. Now you can take that message up to the skies using 2 units with totally different jobs: the Sterylizors — that are known for their aggressiveness and flamers — and the Skystalkers, which are more strategic in picking their targets, with precision striking abilities. Except for the guns, you can see a bit of difference in the helmets. After all, we can bet that fans of kitbashing will have a lot of fun mixing those left-over bits onto their other units.

This is the Archaeopter: a new flyer in the Mechanicus forces. The new kit builds three different unit options. The Transvector, an aerial transport craft, capable of delivering your infantry. Yes, you’re reading that right! Finally, your troops will have a delivery system. The Fusilave, best known for dropping tectomagnic bombs that cause seismic shock waves. And the Stratoraptor — the ground specialist — flying low and hovering around its target, bringing destruction with its heavy phosphor blasters. The kit seems highly customizable. It’s advertised with optional wargear and the possibility of being built with the landing skids. Along with that, its legs can be modeled in different positions.

Last but not least…

These guys! Only the most elite of fighters can hope to be promoted in the Serberys cavalry corps. This new unit has 2 variations: the Raiders and the Sulphurhounds. Firstly, let’s talk about this specialized unit that takes the enemy by surprise with outflanking strategies and long-range rifles. The second is known for its charge and using deadly fire to leave destruction and death in its wake… Now, just imagine what you could do now with your army. A full detachment of fast attacks without having to spam the same models over and over. Just that is amazing in my opinion. Diversity is the key to a great collection that survives the changes in editions. Thanks to this Psychic Awakening release, we’ll have that for the Adeptus Mechanicus force. 


We look forward to learning more about this campaign. It revolves around a new device of destruction. It’s safe to assume that the heart of this war will be around this mysterious device. Interesting fact, the video announcing this Psychic Awakening also shows daemons of Slaanesh and Nurgle joining this war of binary followers.

What’s next?

That is only half of what’s to come. So far, nothing has been revealed for the Chaos Knights and Dark Mechanicus side of this campaign. With that said, I can’t wait to see what Chaos is going to get in terms of reinforcements. I’ve been restraining myself from going all in on a Chaos Knight army… maybe this will be my breaking point. As of now, no release date is known. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan ahead. What do you plan on getting? Is there anything lacking in your armies that these guys can do? What do you wish for the Chaos side in terms of units or theme?

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