Games Workshop is closing its stores and stopping distribution but is promising to keep updating the Warhammer Community page. It seems you don’t have to be a 40k fan to get your dose of Grim-Darkness these days. The world is grinding to a halt, and as the coronavirus spreads more companies are closing their doors. As a result, the latest company to shut its doors is Games Workshop.
The Games Workshop Lowdown

While it is no surprise that Games Workshop is closing their brick and mortar stores amid the pandemic. They have also decided to shut down their distribution centers in the UK and abroad. Honestly, this is the most responsible choice they could make, having chosen to put the wellbeing of their employees first. However, they are still creating content for their community website, and have promised to carry on as best they can.
Don’t Give up
Also, remember that it’s not forever, and Games Workshop aims to reopen on April 14th. As of right now, Amazon is still shipping Games Workshop products. If you really need to get some more hobby supplies or plastic dudesmen you can still purchase stuff from Amazon. Otherwise, now is the perfect time to finish up any armies that have been sitting on your shelf.
Warhammer is still alive and well, and it is important to remember that this will eventually pass. The Wargaming community is one of the best communities in the world, filled with some of the most passionate people I’ve ever met. Also, we have the ability to adapt to this new situation better than anyone else. So, its time to knuckle down and get to painting, I know we can beat this thing.
In Conclusion

Lastly, we are still creating content and arent planning on going anywhere. We will be continuously writing articles and other great content as the lockdowns continue. So be sure to check back regularly to stay up to date with all the newest tactics and releases for 40k. Also, now that you’re here and likely stuck at home why not check out a battle report or read up on the new Space wolves stuff?
If you want to talk to the Nights at the Game Table team and discuss this article and everything Warhammer with them join Game Talk For Gamers.
Don’t know what Warhammer 40k is and how to play it? Check out the video that we made here just for you.
If you already know how to play the game and you’d like a free guide that teaches you how to paint professional-looking miniatures, advanced tournament tips from a 40k World Champion, how to find more time to play, and simple methods to get cheap miniatures go here.
If you’d like a breakdown of the advanced tactics and strategies for all 40k armies, painting tutorials from a Golden Demon winner, secret battle reports and tons more consider becoming a Nights at the Game Table Member today. Click on this link to learn more.
As always thanks for reading!
Special thanks to Games Workshop for the use of their images and for making the best game ever!