Nick Nanavati vs Mike Butler Orks vs Ynnari Live Stream Wednesday 1/16 10am EST


Hey guys, the lap top is fixed, the traveling is done, and the streaming is back! This Wednesday on Nights PRO we’ll be featuring my Ork list from Hammer in the New Year vs Mike Butler’s latest Ynnari list!
Mike was running a Ynnari wraithhost list with a lot of success before today’s FAQ update, so it’ll be really interesting to see how Mike adapts!
To watch the game you can join Nights PRO lite and view all of my live streamed games, my 5 weekly classes, weekly meta analyses, and much more! Or you can sign up for Nights PRO Coaching which includes all of the above and personal 40k training with me and Matt Root.

Nick Nanavati Orks Mike Butler Ynnari
Evil Suns Battalion Ynnari Battalion
Mega Armor Warboss (WL) da killa klaw 120 Yncarne 337
Weirdboy 62 Eldrad 135
Big Mek- Kustom Force Field 75 20 Guardians- 2 shuriken cannons 190
28 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 201 20 Guardians- 2 shuriken cannons 190
28 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 201 20 Guardians- 2 shuriken cannons 190
28 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 201
Aliiatoc Battalion- Wraith Host
Evil Suns Battalion Spiritseer 65
Weirdboy 62 Spiritseer 65
Weirdboy 62 5 Rangers 60
10 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 75 5 Rangers 60
10 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 75 5 Rangers 60
10 Slugga Boyz- big choppa 75 10 Wraithblades- 2 ghost swords 350
Bad Moons Battalion Eldar Supreme Command
Mega Armor Warboss 120 Autarch- Bike, fusion, lasce, banshee mask 125
Big Mek- Kustom Force Field 75 Autarch- Bike, fusion, lasce, banshee mask 125
25 Grots 75 Warlock- Ulthwe 55
25 Grots 75
24 Grots 72
15 Lootas 255
7 Lootas 119

Mike’s list is a bit in flux at the moment, so there may be some last minute changes or rewrites. Stay tuned!

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