Day: April 26, 2019

Nick Nanavati vs Jack Harpster Live Stream Chaos vs GSC 4/28 3pm EST

Hey guys this weekend I’m going to try something a bit different and stream someone else’s list for you all. I’ sure you’re all aware of Jim Vesal and the tear he’s been on since winning Adepticon, so this weekend I’m going to be tryin out his exact list

Everything We Know About Syll’Esske, The Vengeful Allegiance!

Photo courtesy of Games Workshop Games Workshop have recently given Slaanesh players some new love in the form of a gorgeously updated Keeper of Secrets and a couple of brand new unique Characters. Today, we’re going to be looking at one of these new characters: Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance

Should I Buy The New Keeper Of Secrets: Nights at the Game Table.

Hello Everone! the Dak here, back from the international accordion championship to talk about one of Games Workshops new releases. Today, we are talking about the new and improved Keeper of Secrets. thats right, we are finnaly getting an updated mini! however thats not all thats changing as the