Author: Travis

9th Tyranids

Tyranids in 9th Edition

We’ve only seen a fraction of 9th edition so far but based on what we have seen it’s looking like Tyranids in 9th will have more options and more viable builds than they’ve had in a long time. Many of the Tyranid big monster kits are beautiful and it
9th Core Rules

Top 5 Changes to 9th Core Rules

The fundamentals of the game have come with some fundamental changes. Joining our Top 5 Changes to 9th Edition are these 5 changes to the 9th Core Rules. Some are on the subtle side others are a cut and dry clarification but number 1 is all new to 9th. 5
Death Guard Tactics

War of the Spider: Death Guard Tactics – Part One

The Death Guard are the inexorable forces of Mortarion himself, dedicated to the Chaos God Nurgle. They’ve been waiting for their release in Psychic Awakening, and at last, it’s here. Like the War of the Spider: Creations of Bile Tactics before, we’re going to be looking at potent combinations
Creations of Bile Tactics

War of the Spider: Creations of Bile Tactics

As the Psychic Awakening series winds down and we all prepare to make the jump to 9th Edition Games Workshop had a neat little surprise for fans of the True Heroes of the 40K setting (Chaos players, in case you were wondering). Definitely not those also in the War
9th Core Rules

Combat Patrol: 9th Edition Warhammer 40K Lite

A New Edition with new ways to play. Combat Patrol? What is it folks may ask. Combat Patrol bridges Kill Team and Warhammer 40k. It is 40k, you are using an actual Detachment of you guessed it, a Patrol. A Patrol Detachment requires a Mandatory HQ and Troop unit.
Custodes Shield Host Tactics

War of the Spider Custodes Shield Host Tactics

Psychic Awakening War of the Spider gave our Custodes Shield Host with new rules, Captain-Commander rules, and of course more stratagems. They join the Sisters of Silence in our War of the Spider Talons of the Emperor article along with Agents of the Emperor. The new rules have some
Talons of the Emperor

War of the Spider: Talons of the Emperor

Psychic Awakening 8 War of the Spider has given us rules for the Talons of the Emperor. Talons of the Emperor are Sisters of Silence and Custodes. We can now expand on our War of the Spider: The New Custodes Preview article. They also squeezed in a few changes
Theorycrafting Close Combat

Theorycrafting Close Combat In 9th Edition

Theorycrafting Close Combat with what Games Workshop has previewed for the upcoming rules and changes to 9th Edition, many of them focused on how 9th improves on 8th Edition. Today we’re going to be looking at some of those previewed changes and what they mean for anyone looking to
Death Of Overwatch

The Death of Overwatch in 40k 9th Edition

Let us lament the passing of Overwatch as we knew it. Its death at the hands of 9th Edition is a good thing for Melee. Overwatch in 9th Edition will no longer be a standard action that units can do just for the heck of it. The TLDR highlights
Changes to 9th Edition

Top 5 Changes to the 9th Edition.

It’s a New Edition with new changes. Even with Datasheets going unchanged in the near future there are big changes ahead for you and your army. Here are our Top 5 Changes to 9th Edition. 5: Map Size Changes to 9th Edition Map sizes are smaller. Get ready to